Mariagrazia Santagati
Education in a crisis. Italy within southern Europe: Trends and the way forward
El artículo analiza la reacción peculiar del sistema educativo italiano a la reciente crisis, en comparación con países dotados de un «modelo de bienestar Mediterráneo», como Grecia, Portugal y España. Analizando los principales indicadores estadísticos nacionales de los sistemas educativos –acceso a la educación, éxito escolar, equidad e inclusión de alumnos inmigrantes– se ha profundizado en las dificultades, pero también en la resiliencia del sistema italiano de educación. El análisis permite concluir que las prioridades en términos de reforma son: completar el proceso de autonomía escolar, completar el plan de digitalización, dotando todas las escuelas de TICs actualizadas, cambiar la j…
The (im)possible success of disadvantaged students. Reflections on education, migration and social change
The paper focuses on the ?unexpected pathways? of successful students with an immigrant background: these biographical routes, that seems socially impossible, raise theoretical issues around the individual-society, actor-structure relationship. Disadvantaged students who succeed represent a sociological challenge in the attempt to understand atypical situations and to identify the institutional processes and the structural opportunities that facilitate them, reducing ethnic inequalities in education. This framework is the starting point of the Su.Per. project (Success in educational pathways of students with immigrant background), based on the collection of written autobiographies of 65 imm…
Turning Migration Disadvantage into Educational Advantage. Autobiographies of Successful Students with an Immigrant Background
The article focuses on unexpected pathways of successful students with an immigrant background, in order to investigate the implication of this phenomenon from a theoretical, methodological and empirical point of view. After a review of the main sociological studies on “immigrant optimism” towards educational success, I will reflect on biographical approach, particularly suitable to study this topic. A on-going research project based on the collection of educational autobiographies of successful immigrant-origin students, attending upper secondary schools in Northern Italy, is presented. Then, the story of Destiny, a 16 years-old girl with Moroccan origin, is used as a case study to explore…
At the Margins : Challenges for Sociologists of Education in Southern Europe
The aim of this Special Issue of the Italian Journal of Sociology of Ed-ucation, published at the same time of the n. 3/2019 of RASE (Revista de Sociología de la educación), is to reflect on Sociology of Education from a Southern European perspective. Undoubtedly, the starting point is the well-consolidated international debate on the so-called "Theories of the South" (Connell, 2007) or "Epistemologies of the South" (Santos, 2007), and the call for a "Global Sociology" (Burawoy, 2016) also in a postcolonial per-spective (Bhambra, 2014). These approaches have made visible the need to seek new theoretical and empirical contributions to think about the social realities of the Global South outs…