U. Gönner
Retroperitoneale Sarkome: Diagnostik und Therapie
Background Due to the fact that there are no distinct anatomical compartments, retroperitoneal sarcomas are moreover diagnosed with evidence of large tumors and infiltration of adjacent organs. In spite of improvement of the diagnostic facilities and surgical techniques, quite frequently local recurrences with unfavourable prognosis turn up even after complete removal. It was the aim of this study to analyze diagnosis, therapy and long-term prognosis in patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas over a period of 10 years. Patients and methods Between January 1995 and January 2005, 379 patients underwent surgery for a primary retroperitoneal tumor at our clinic. Among the 67 (17.1 %) malignant l…
Chirurgische Therapie des Ösophaguskarzinoms: Eine prospektive 20-Jahres-Analyse
BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was the analysis of long-term developments in the surgical therapy for esophageal carcinoma at our hospital over a period of 20 years with a differentiated view on the two predominant histological tumour types. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between September 1985 and September 2005, esophageal resections were performed in 470 patients at our clinic on account of a malignant tumour of the esophagus. The abdomino-thoracic resection with abdominal and extended mediastinal lymph node dissection as well as intrathoracic anastomosis was the standard treatment in the case of squamous cell carcinoma, whereas in adenocarcinoma a transhiatal resection with abdominal and dorsa…
Rektummelanome – Stellenwert der modernen Therapie
Rectal melanoma is a rare disease. There is much controversy concerning cause, incidence and treatment of the disease and the spreading of recurrence. In this article, we discuss actual aspects of diagnostic, therapy and prognosis on the basis of our series of seven patients as well as a literature review. The surgical therapy in the form of local tumour excision with a disease-free margin of up to 1-2 cm is the initial therapeutic modality of choice. Large tumours that obviously could not be removed in sano should be treated with a multimodal concept. Such tumours should be treated by a combination of neoadjuvant radiation and chemotherapy for down-staging with subsequent local excision (L…
Long-term survivors of esophageal cancer: Disease-specific quality of life, general health and complications
Introduction The aim of our study was to assess the quality of life as well as secondary cancers/diseases and esophagectomy-related or unrelated interventions in the long-term course of surgery. Patients and Methods Out of 417 patients who underwent esophageal resection for cancer between September 1985 and November 2003, 85 were defined as long-term survivors (≥5 years). Fifty patients still alive in November 2008 complied with our inclusion criteria. The general (QLQ-C 30, version 3.0) as well as the esophagus specific quality of life (QLQ-OES 18) were analyzed with the help of the EORTC QLQ-questionnaires. Results The median observation interval since the operation was 100.1 (range 60–23…
Prognosefaktoren nach Resektion colorectaler Lebermetastasen
In einer retrospektiven Analyse des eigenen Krankengutes sollten mogliche Prognosefaktoren nach Resektion colorectaler Lebermetastasen bestimmt werden. Von 9/85 bis 12/96 wurden bei 120 Patienten Resektionen colorectaler Lebermetastasen durchgefuhrt. Die Morbiditat und Krankenhausmortalitat betrugen 28,3% und 5,8%. Die mediane und 5-Jahres-Uberlebenswahrscheinlichkeit betrugen 30 Monate und 31%. Der wichtigste Prognosefaktor war die R0-Resektion (p = 0,0005). Innerhalb der Patienten mit R0-Resektion (Mortalitat ausgeschlossen, n = 98) hatte in der univariaten Analyse nur ein Metastasendurchmesser von >3,5 cm (p = 0,0005), perioperativer Blutersatz ≥10 EK (p = 0,02) und die Anwendung groser …