E. Elsts

Cathodoluminescence of oxyfluoride glass-ceramics

Abstract Tb, Ce, Eu activated oxyfluoride glass-ceramics with the composition SiO2 · Al2O3 · Li2O · LaF3 have been studied by cathodoluminescence (CL). We compared CL intensities and decay times of the Tb, Ce, Eu activated glass-ceramic samples and observed that the Tb activated sample has the most intense luminescence, but the Ce activated sample has the shortest decay times. Induced optical absorption and thermostimulated luminescence have been observed after X-ray irradiation of samples.

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Cladding-Pumped Erbium/Ytterbium Co-Doped Fiber Amplifier for C-Band Operation in Optical Networks

Space-division multiplexing (SDM) attracts attention to cladding-pumped optical amplifiers, but they suffer from a low pump power conversion efficiency. To address this issue, ytterbium (Yb3+) and erbium (Er3+) co-doping is considered as an effective approach. However, it changes the gain profile of Er3+-doped fiber amplifiers and induces the gain difference between optical wavelengths in the C-band, significantly limiting the effective band of the dense wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) system. This paper is devoted to a detailed study of a cladding-pumped Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fiber amplifier (EYDFA) through numerical simulations aiming to identify a configuration, before assembling a s…

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Optical absorption and Raman studies of neutron-irradiated Gd3Ga5O12 single crystals

Abstract In this work we have performed a comparative analysis of optical absorption and micro-Raman spectra for series of Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) single crystals irradiated by fast neutrons with fluences from 1016 n/cm2 to 1018 n/cm2. It was found that the optical absorption spectra of non-irradiated Czochralski grown GGG consist of the relatively narrow lines in the UV spectral range related to the 4f–4f transitions in Gd3+. Transitions from the 6S7/2 ground state to the 6P, 6J and 6D states in a Gd3+ cation are clearly detected. For a GGG crystal containing Ca impurity ions, additional absorption band at 350 nm is observed, and it is tentatively ascribed to oxygen vacancies associated with Ca im…

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Rare Earth Activated Oxyfluoride Glasses and Glass-Ceramics for Scintillation Applications

Oxyfluoride glasses 49SiO2·6Al2O3·24Li2O·20LaF3 activated with Tb, Ce, Eu have been synthesized and studied. After heating at 580°C and 750°C crystalline phases were obtained. The samples were studied by DTA (Differential thermal analyzer), CL (cathodoluminescence), XRD (X-ray diffraction), SEM (scanning electron microscope), EDS (energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy) methods. We found out that presence of crystalline phase enhances the CL of Tb activated samples significantly; whereas, the shortest decay time of 0.29 μs has been observed for less intense Ce doped glass sample.

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Studies of radiation defects in cerium, europium and terbium activated oxyfluoride glasses and glass ceramics

Abstract Terbium, cerium and europium activated oxyfluoride glasses and glass ceramics have been studied by thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL) and optical absorption techniques after the X-ray irradiation. A creation of colour centres in oxyfluoride glass matrix and TSL peaks depending on the activator type were observed. LaF 3 and rare earth activators were analysed by SEM–EDS.

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Tl-related radiation defects in CsI:Tl

Abstract Angular dependencies of the EPR spectra detected via the magnetic circular dichroism of the optical absorption (MCDA-EPR) observed in the MCDA bands at 355, 411, 425, 442, 465, 536, and 815 nm of γ- or X-irradiated CsI:Tl crystals have been investigated. The MCDA-EPR spectrum at B || [1 0 0] consists of two quartets of intense lines. The spectrum could be satisfactorily explained taking into account hyperfine (hf) interactions of unpaired electron with S= 1 2 with three Tl nuclei I ( 205 Tl , 203 Tl )= 1 2 . Therefore we propose as a model a Tl-trimer centre. The hf interactions along a [1 0 0] direction with two equivalent Tl and one single Tl were observed. As a centre model we p…

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EPR and optical spectroscopy of neutron-irradiated Gd3Ga5O12 single crystals

Abstract In this paper, we have performed comparative analysis of EPR, optical absorption (OA) and luminescence spectra for a series of Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) single crystals irradiated with fast neutrons with fluencies varied from 1016 to 1020n/cm2. In a crystal irradiated with the maximum neutron fluence, the EPR spectra demonstrated the formation of several paramagnetic defects. In particular, EPR spectrum shows a strong resonance at (effective) g ≈ 1.4 with practically isotropic behavior in the crystal rotation around the [1 1 1] direction (magnetic field being perpendicular to [1 1 1]) and several weaker lines in the g ≈ 1.1–2.6 region, which show more pronounced angular dependences. While th…

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Spectroscopic studies of Cr3+ ions in natural single crystal of magnesium aluminate spinel MgAl2O4

Abstract The natural spinel crystal MgAl2O4 containing the Cr3+ ions was studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper. The absorption and emission spectra at room and low temperatures were recorded. The experimental spectroscopic results were aided with the crystal field calculations, which returned the energy level schemes of the Cr3+ ions at the Al sites with the local D3d symmetry. Effects of the trigonal crystal field were clearly seen in the calculated results, which were compared with the experimental spectra to yield a good agreement between both data sets.

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EPR hyperfine structure of F‐type centres in pure LiBaF 3 crystal

We studied EPR spectra of pure LiBaF3 sample of high quality. For EPR measurements LiBaF3 sample was X-irradiated at room temperature, however spectra could be observed at low temperatures - at 77 K. All hyperfine structure lines of F-type centre could be well resolved contrary to our earlier studies of Fe doped LiBaF3 crystal. Qualitative analysis with g-tensor parameters derived from magneto-optical measurements showed that the F-type centre observed earlier by MCD-EPR techniques is the same F-type centre we observe with the EPR. We analyse origin of the hyperfine structure of the EPR spectra and their angular dependencies and discuss the structure of F-type centres in the LiBaF3 crystal.…

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Fast Luminescence Studies of NaLaF4: Pr3+ Glass Ceramics

Cathodoluminescence (CL) emission and photoluminescence (PL) emission and excitation spectra of $16\mathbf{Na}2\mathbf{O}-9\mathbf{NaF}-5\mathbf{LaF}_{3}-7\mathbf{Al}_{2}\mathbf{O}_{3}-63\mathbf{SiO}_{2}$ (mol%) activated with 3% $\mathbf{PrF}_{3}$ , hereinafter referred to as $\mathbf{NaLaF}_{4}:\mathbf{Pr}_{9}^{3+}$ have been investigated. In particular, CL spectra were measured with time resolution after excitation with a 120 keV electron beam. The characteristic Pr3+ ion emission with fast decay times $\tau_{1}=1.77$ ns and $\tau_{2}=52.97$ ns at peak intensity at 406 nm were observed, which correspond well to the emission bands of the $\mathbf{Pr}^{3+}$ ion in other luminescent materia…

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Low-temperature studies of Cr 3+ ions in natural and neutron-irradiated g-Al spinel

This study was supported by a grant from Latvian Council of Science (agreement No. LZP-2018/1-0214).

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Time-resolved luminescence of YAG:Ce and YAGG:Ce ceramics prepared by electron beam assisted synthesis

Abstract The luminescence characteristics of YAG:Ce and YAGG:Ce ceramic phosphors produced by electron beam assisted synthesis have been investigated. The obtained emission and decay kinetics characteristics have been compared with those for commercial phosphors synthesized by conventional methods and showed good qualitative and quantitative correspondence. In our opinion, the used electron-beam-assisted synthesis method could be considered as a perspective production method of high refractory multicomponent oxide ceramics.

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EPR hyperfine structure of the Mo‐related defect in CdWO 4

The hyperfine structure (hf) of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of Mo-related impurity defects in CdWO4 crystals observed previously (U. Rogulis, Radiat. Meas. 29, 287 (1998) [1]) is reconsidered taking into account interactions with two different groups of neighbouring Cd nuclei. The best fit calculated EPR spectrum to the experimental is obtained considering 2 groups of 3 and 2 equivalent Cd nuclei, respectively. (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

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Thermal annealing of radiation defects in MgF2 single crystals induced by neutrons at low temperatures

Abstract Primary radiation defects in ionic solids consist of Frenkel defects – pairs of defects - anion vacancies with trapped electrons (F-type centers) and interstitial ions. Upon temperature increase after irradiation, the electronic F-type centers are annealed due to recombination with mobile interstitials. Analysis of the recombination (annealing) kinetics allows us to obtain important information on the interstitial migration. At high radiation doses more complex dimer (F2-type) centers are observed in several charge states, which are well distinguished spectroscopically. We analysed here available experimental kinetics of the F2-type center annealing in MgF2 in a wide temperature ra…

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Rare earth doped glass–ceramics containing NaLaF4 nanocrystals

Abstract Oxyfluoride glasses 16Na 2 O–9NaF–5LaF 3 –7Al 2 O 3 –63SiO 2 (mol%) activated with 3% terbium, dysprosium, praseodymium and neodymium fluorides have been prepared and studied by differential thermal analysis, cathodoluminescence, X-ray induced luminescence, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. We found out that the presence of crystalline phase enhances the X-ray induced luminescence intensity. X-ray induced luminescence is the most intense for the sample activated with terbium and treated at 700 °C, whereas the praseodymium and neodymium activated samples have the fastest decay times.

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Recent Developments in Cladding-Pumped Doped Fiber Amplifiers for Telecommunications Systems

This paper aims to review recent developments in the field of doped fiber-based optical amplifiers and serve as a reference for promising optical signal amplification techniques that may be useful for practical implementation in high-capacity and cost-efficient telecommunications systems. The main focus is put on different rare-earth dopant elements, double-clad fibers, and optical couplers for cladding-pumping technique. It is found that codoped double-clad fiber-based amplifiers currently have attained the main research interest and show possible application also in multichannel fiber optical transmission systems. Additionally, we have compared different free space and waveguide construct…

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Funding: The research has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund project No. The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as a Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2.

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Afterglow, TL and OSL properties of Mn2+-doped ZnGa2O4 phosphor

The work was supported by Latvian Research Council via LZP-2018/1–0214 research project as well as the Latvian-Ukrainian Joint Research Project (LV-UA/2016/1 in Latvia and M/8-2018 (No. 0118U001672) in Ukraine), and by the NATO SfP Project G4649. The work was also partially supported by the Polish National Science Center (project 2018/31/B/ST8/00774). A. Luchechko gratefully acknowledges a grant from Institute of Physics PAS for a research visit to the Institute.

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