Justo Sandino

Prognostic value of the interaction between galectin-3 and antigen carbohydrate 125 in acute heart failure

AIM:Galectin-3 (Gal-3) and carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA125) have emerged as robust prognostic biomarkers in heart failure. Experimental data have also suggested a potential molecular interaction between CA125 and Gal-3; however, the biological and clinical relevance of this interaction is still uncertain. We sought to evaluate, in patients admitted for acute heart failure, the association between plasma Gal-3 with all-cause mortality and the risk for rehospitalizations among high and low levels of CA125. METHODS AND RESULTS: We included 264 consecutive patients admitted for acute heart failure to the Cardiology Department in a third-level center. Both biomarkers were measured on admission. …

research product

Prognostic implications of pericardial effusion in acute heart failure: Does size matter?

Somedegreeofpericardialeffusion(PE)occurredinupto20%ofpa-tientswithheartfailure(HF)[1].Arecentstudyshowedthatinpatientswithchronicheartfailure(CHF),evenahemodynamicallyirrelevantPEwasassociated withincreasedriskofadverseevents [2,3]. Should thesefindings be extrapolated to patients with AHF? Moreover, the patho-physiology of such association remains to be determined. Thus, thisstudy sought to evaluate the association between PE and the risk of 1-year mortality in patients with AHF.Weincluded1827consecutivepatientsadmittedforAHFintheCar-diology department of a tertiary university hospital from January 2004to July 2013. Patients with a hemodynamically compromised PE wereexcluded (n = 16). In a…

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