G. Manuzio
Solar neutrino physics with Borexino
We present the most recent solar neutrino results from the Borexino experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory. In particular, refined measurements of all neutrinos produced in the {\it pp} fusion chain have been made. It is the first time that the same detector measures the entire range of solar neutrinos at once. These new data weakly favor a high-metallicity Sun. Prospects for measuring CNO solar neutrinos are also discussed.
Recent Borexino results and perspectives of the SOX measurement
International audience; Borexino is a liquid scintillator detector sited underground in the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy). Its physics program, until the end of this year, is focussed on the study of solar neutrinos, in particular from the Beryllium, pp, pep and CNO fusion reactions. Knowing the reaction chains in the sun provides insights towards physics disciplines such as astrophysics (star physics, star formation, etc.), astroparticle and particle physics. Phase II started in 2011 and its aim is to improve the phase I results, in particular the measurements of the neutrino fluxes from the pep and CNO processes. By the end of this year, data taking from the sun will be over…
Final results of Borexino Phase-I on low-energy solar neutrino spectroscopy
Borexino has been running since May 2007 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy with the primary goal of detecting solar neutrinos. The detector, a large, unsegmented liquid scintillator calorimeter characterized by unprecedented low levels of intrinsic radioactivity, is optimized for the study of the lower energy part of the spectrum. During Phase-I (2007–2010), Borexino first detected and then precisely measured the flux of the Be 7 solar neutrinos, ruled out any significant day-night asymmetry of their interaction rate, made the first direct observation of the pep neutrinos, and set the tightest upper limit on the flux of solar neutrinos produced in the CNO cycle …
Neutrinos from the primary proton–proton fusion process in the Sun
International audience; In the core of the Sun, energy is released through sequences of nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium. The primary reaction is thought to be the fusion of two protons with the emission of a low-energy neutrino. These so-called pp neutrinos constitute nearly the entirety of the solar neutrino flux, vastly outnumbering those emitted in the reactions that follow. Although solar neutrinos from secondary processes have been observed, proving the nuclear origin of the Sun's energy and contributing to the discovery of neutrino oscillations, those from proton-proton fusion have hitherto eluded direct detection. Here we report spectral observations of pp neutrin…
Search for low-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino
We report on searches for neutrinos and antineutrinos from astrophysical sources performed with the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. Electron antineutrinos ($\bar{\nu}_e$) are detected in an organic liquid scintillator through the inverse $\beta$-decay reaction. In the present work we set model-independent upper limits in the energy range 1.8-16.8 MeV on neutrino fluxes from unknown sources that improve our previous results, on average, by a factor 2.5. Using the same data set, we first obtain experimental constraints on the diffuse supernova $\bar{\nu}_e$ fluxes in the previously unexplored region below 8 MeV. A search for $\bar{\nu}_e$ in the solar ne…
Seasonal Modulation of the $^7$Be Solar Neutrino Rate in Borexino
We detected the seasonal modulation of the $^7$Be neutrino interaction rate with the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. The period, amplitude, and phase of the observed time evolution of the signal are consistent with its solar origin, and the absence of an annual modulation is rejected at 99.99\% C.L. The data are analyzed using three methods: the sinusoidal fit, the Lomb-Scargle and the Empirical Mode Decomposition techniques, which all yield results in excellent agreement.
Perspectives for CNO neutrino detection in Borexino
International audience; Borexino measured with unprecedented accuracy the fluxes of solar neutrinos emitted at all the steps of the pp fusion chain. Still missing is the measurement of the flux of neutrinos produced in the CNO cycle. A positive measurement of the CNO neutrino flux is of fundamental importance for understanding the evolution of stars and addressing the unresolved controversy on the solar abundances. The measurement of the CNO neutrino flux in Borexino is challenging because of the low intensity of this component (CNO cycle accounts for about 1% of the energy emitted by Sun), the lack of prominent spectral features and the presence of background sources. The main background c…
CeSOX: An experimental test of the sterile neutrino hypothesis with Borexino
International audience; The third phase of the Borexino experiment that’s referred to as SOX is devoted to test the hypothesis of the existence of one (or more) sterile neutrinos at a short baseline (~5–10m). The experimental measurement will be made with artificial sources namely with a 144Ce–144Pr antineutrino source at the first stage (CeSOX) and possibly with a 51Cr neutrino source at the second one. The fixed 144Ce–144Pr sample will be placed beneath the detector in a special pit and the initial activity will be about 100 – 150 kCi. The start of data taking is scheduled for April 2018. The article gives a short description of the preparation for the first stage and shows the expected s…
Borexino’s search for low-energy neutrino and antineutrino signals correlated with gamma-ray bursts
International audience; A search for neutrino and antineutrino events correlated with 2350 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is performed with Borexino data collected between December 2007 and November 2015. No statistically significant excess over background is observed. We look for electron antineutrinos ( ν¯e ) that inverse beta decay on protons with energies from 1.8 MeV to 15 MeV and set the best limit on the neutrino fluence from GRBs below 8 MeV. The signals from neutrinos and antineutrinos from GRBs that scatter on electrons are also searched for, a detection channel made possible by the particularly radio-pure scintillator of Borexino. We obtain currently the best limits on the neutrino f…
Improved measurement of $^8$B solar neutrinos with $1.5 kt·y$ of Borexino exposure
We report on an improved measurement of the $^8$B solar neutrino interaction rate with the Borexino experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. Neutrinos are detected via their elastic scattering on electrons in a large volume of liquid scintillator. The measured rate of scattered electrons above 3 MeV of energy is $0.223\substack{+0.015 \\ -0.016}\,(stat)\,\substack{+0.006 \\ -0.006}\,(syst)$ cpd/100 t, which corresponds to an observed solar neutrino flux assuming no neutrino flavor conversion of $\Phi\substack{\rm ES \\ ^8\rm B}=2.57\substack{+0.17 \\ -0.18}(stat)\substack{+0.07\\ -0.07}(syst)\times$10$^6$ cm$^{-2}\,$s$^{-1}$. This measurement exploits the active volume of the …
Limiting neutrino magnetic moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino data
A search for the solar neutrino effective magnetic moment has been performed using data from 1291.5 days exposure during the second phase of the Borexino experiment. No significant deviations from the expected shape of the electron recoil spectrum from solar neutrinos have been found, and a new upper limit on the effective neutrino magnetic moment of $\mu_{\nu}^{eff}$ $<$ 2.8$\cdot$10$^{-11}$ $\mu_{B}$ at 90\% c.l. has been set using constraints on the sum of the solar neutrino fluxes implied by the radiochemical gallium experiments.Using the limit for the effective neutrino moment, new limits for the magnetic moments of the neutrino flavor states, and for the elements of the neutrino magne…
Solar neutrino spectroscopy in Borexino
International audience; In more than ten years of operation, Borexino has performed a precision measurement of the solar neutrino spectrum, resolving almost all spectral components originating from the proton-proton fusion chain. The presentation will review the results recently released for the second data taking phase 2012–2016 during which the detector excelled by its unprecedentedly low background levels. New results on the rate of pp, 7Be, pep and 8B neutrinos as well as their implications for solar neutrino oscillations and metallicity are discussed.
Simultaneous precision spectroscopy of pp, Be7, and pep solar neutrinos with Borexino Phase-II
We present the simultaneous measurement of the interaction rates Rpp, RBe, Rpep of pp, Be7, and pep solar neutrinos performed with a global fit to the Borexino data in an extended energy range (0.19–2.93) MeV with particular attention to details of the analysis methods. This result was obtained by analyzing 1291.51 days of Borexino Phase-II data, collected after an extensive scintillator purification campaign. Using counts per day (cpd)/100 ton as unit, we find Rpp=134±10(stat)−10+6(sys), RBe=48.3±1.1(stat)−0.7+0.4(sys); and RpepHZ=2.43±0.36(stat)−0.22+0.15(sys) assuming the interaction rate RCNO of CNO-cycle (Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxigen) solar neutrinos according to the prediction of the high…
The Monte Carlo simulation of the Borexino detector
We describe the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation package of the Borexino detector and discuss the agreement of its output with data. The Borexino MC 'ab initio' simulates the energy loss of particles in all detector components and generates the resulting scintillation photons and their propagation within the liquid scintillator volume. The simulation accounts for absorption, reemission, and scattering of the optical photons and tracks them until they either are absorbed or reach the photocathode of one of the photomultiplier tubes. Photon detection is followed by a comprehensive simulation of the readout electronics response. The algorithm proceeds with a detailed simulation of the electronics c…
Recent results from Borexino
Journal of Physics Conference Series. - 798, International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics : 10-14 October 2016, Moscow, Russian Federation / proceedings editors: 1. issue: cosmic rays: Arkady Galper (MEPhI, Moscow, Russia) [und 7 andere] 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics, ICPPA 2016, Moscow, Russia, 11 Oct 2016 - 14 Oct 2016; Bristol : IOP Publ., Journal of Physics Conference Series, 798, 012114 pp. (2017). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012114
Absence of a day-night asymmetry in the7Be solar neutrino rate in Borexino
We report on a search for the day-night asymmetry of the Be-7 solar neutrino rate measured by Borexino at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), Italy. The measured value, Adn=0.001 +- 0.012 (stat) +- 0.007 (syst), shows the absence of a significant asymmetry. This result alone rejects the so-called LOW solution at more than 8.5 sigma. Combined with the other solar neutrino data, it isolates the Large Mixing Angle (LMA) -- MSW solution at DeltaChi2 > 190 without relying on the assumption of CPT symmetry in the neutrino sector. We also show that including the day-night asymmetry, data from Borexino alone restricts the MSW neutrino oscillations to the LMA solution at 90% confidence l…