ŁUkasz Kręcidło
Magazynowanie zbóż jest jednym z najważniejszych etapów łańcucha produkcji żywności. Zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologiczne, a w szczególności grzybami strzępkowymi mogą obniżać jakość przechowywanego ziarna oraz pośrednio generować straty ekonomiczne i niekorzystnie oddziaływać na zdrowie ludzi. Celem przeprowadzanych badań była ocena różnorodności grzybów strzępkowych obecnych w powietrzu i frakcji opadającej na powierzchnię magazynów zbożowych oraz w przechowywanym ziarnie zbóż. Badania przeprowadzono w magazynach płaskich w czasie składowania zbóż. Ogólną liczbę grzybów strzępkowych w powietrzu magazynowym oznaczono metodą wolumetryczną przy użyciu aparatu MAS-100 firmy MERCK w siedmiu wyzna…
Influence of bioremediation stimulators in soil on development of oat seedlings (Avena sativa) and their aminopeptidase activity / Wpływ pozostałości substancji ropopochodnych w glebie na rozwój owsa i aktywność aminopeptydazową
Abstract The selection of bioremediation techniques is important for purification of contaminated soil for agricultural use. Studies on soil contaminated with petroleum substances have indicated that the applied method of remediation has a bigger impact on the development of oat seedlings than the level of contamination. A yeast inoculum appeared to be a technique which was the friendliest to vegetation of oat
Unconventional yeast in the degradation of hydrocarbons in contaminated soil
The influence of Yarrowia lipolytica inoculum on biodegradation of hydrocarbons, and changes in microbiota composition in the soil contaminated with petroleum have been investigated. The material under study was contaminated clay soil, containing petroleum-derived substances at approximately 17 000 [mg/kg d. m.]. Microbiological analysis was carried out by the cultivation method and the content of individual hydrocarbons (n-aliphatic, BTEX and PAHs) was determined by the GC/MS method. The largest decrease of oil-derived substances, versus the control sample, was recorded at the beginning of the process. During the first 30 days, the yeast inoculation caused most effectively removal of n-ali…
The Comparison of Cellulolytic Activity of the Modified Soil Treated with Roundup
Abstract The activity of soil microorganisms affects soil fertility and structure, what leads to satisfactory crop yields, thanks to changes in the decay of organic matter. Their activity may be impaired as a result of application by farmers both fertilizers and pesticides. The degradation of cellulosic biomass represents an important part of the carbon cycle within the biosphere. Cellulolitic microorganisms are responsible for this decomposition, as they produced the enzymes of the cellulase complex. The aim of the study was to compare the cellulolytic activity of soil with Roundup and modified using urea phosphate and / or manure. The pot experiment was conducted under laboratory conditio…
Hydrogen peroxide as a biodegradation stimulator in remediation processes of soils heavily contaminated with petrochemicals
Abstract The soil contaminated with petroleum products must be excluded from the crops and treated to reclamation processes. Natural processes of decomposition of hydrocarbon compounds go very slow, so it is necessary to use bioaugumentation or stimulation in order to accelerate the return of the soil to high culture. In this study the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the process of cleaning soil strongly contaminated with pertochemicals was investigated. For this purpose, a pot experiment lasting 60 days was carried. The dynamics of changes in the population of filamentous fungi, yeasts and bacteria were examined and also content of aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes), monoaromatic and polycy…
Evaluation of antifungal activity of three essential oils against selected isolates of Penicillium, Purpureocillium and Acremonium
Storage is a critical process of food production because incorrect conditions during this process lead to the growth of economic costs caused by material loss. It is important to maintain adequate microbiological purity of storage areas. The development of microbes present in warehouses may lead to secondary contamination of stored materials and reduce their quality. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of essential oils on the growth of Acremonium strictum , Penicillium citrinum, Penicillium expansum and Purpureocillium lilacinum . Fungal strains were isolated from the food warehouse. Studies on the influence of selected mix of phenolic substances were performed using three comm…