Jan Ridky
Measurement of the lifetime of tau-lepton
The tau lepton lifetime is measured with the L3 detector at LEP using the complete data taken at centre-of-mass energies around the Z pole resulting in tau_tau = 293.2 +/- 2.0 (stat) +/- 1.5 (syst) fs. The comparison of this result with the muon lifetime supports lepton universality of the weak charged current at the level of six per mille. Assuming lepton universality, the value of the strong coupling constant, alpha_s is found to be alpha_s(m_tau^2) = 0.319 +/- 0.015(exp.) +/- 0.014 (theory). The tau lepton lifetime is measured with the L3 detector at LEP using the complete data taken at centre-of-mass energies around the Z pole resulting in τ τ =293.2 ± 2.0 (stat) ± 1.5 (syst) fs . The c…
A search for neutral higgs particles in Z$^0$ decays
Abstract The search in DELPHI data for neutral Higgs bosons is described. No candidate for the Standard Model Higgs is seen in Z0 decays to H 0 ν ν , H 0 μ + μ − or H0τ+τ− after selections that proved efficient for finding simulated H0. One remaining candidate for Z0 → H0e+e− is consistent with background. Together with our earlier studies, these results restrict the H0 mass to be above 38 GeV/c2 at the 95% confidence level. No signal is found for decays of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model neutral Higgs bosons to τ+τ−. Limits are obtained for their decays to produce four jets.
Performance of the DELPHI detector
DELPHI (DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification) is a detector for e(+)e(-) physics, designed to provide high granularity over a 4 pi solid angle, allowing an effective particle identification, It has been operating at the LEP (Large Electron-Positron) collider at CERN since 1989. This article reviews its performance.
Observation of orbitally excited B mesons
Experimental evidence for the existence of orbitally excited B meson states is presented in an analysis of the BÏ and B*Ï distribution of Q = m(B**) - m(B(*)) - m(Ï) using Z0decay data taken with the DELPHI detector at LEP. The mean Q-value of the decays B**â B(*)Ï is measured to be 284 ± 5 (stat.) ± 15 (syst.) MeV/c2, and the Gaussian width of the signal is 79 ± 5 (stat.) ± 8 (syst.) MeV/c2. This signal can be described as a single resonance of mass m = 5732 ± 5 (stat.) ± 20 (syst.) MeV/c2and full width Î = 145 ± 28 MeV/c2. The observed shape is also consistent with the production of several broad and narrow states as predicted by the quark model and partly observed in the D-…
A Search for Sleptons and Gauginos in Z0 Decays
Using a data sample corresponding to 10 000 hadronic Z0 decays, we have searched for the production of sleptons and gauginos in the two-prong decays of Z0. No candidate remains after straightforward selections. For neutralinos, we use selection methods developed in our previous search for neutral Higgs particles. The negative results are translated into improved mass limits and parameter constraints on the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model.
Search for heavy charged scalars in Z$^0$ Decays
Using a sample of Z0's corresponding to about 12 000 events, we have searched for the production of charged scalars, primarily charged Higgs particles, decaying into c̄scs̄, τν+jets, and τντν. The average detection efficiency is 20%. No candidate was found in the leptonic modes. Masses in the range up to 30-36 GeV/c2 are excluded, extending the mass domain covered by previous e+e- machines.
A comparison of jet production rates on the Z0 resonance to perturbative QCD
The production rates for 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-jet hadronic final states have been measured with the DELPHI detector at the e+e- storage ring LEP at centre of mass energies around 91.5 GeV. Fully corrected data are compared to O(αs 2) QCD matrix element calculations and the QCD scale parameter ΛMS is determined for different parametrizations of the renormalization scale μ2. Including all uncertainties our result is αs(MZ 2)=0.114±0.003[stat.]±0.004[syst.]±0.012[theor.] .
A measurement of the tau lifetime
The tau lepton lifetime is measured using four different methods with the DELPHI detector. Three measurements using one prong decays are combined, accounting for correlations, resulting in tau(tau) = 298 +/- 7 (stat.) +/- 4 (syst.) fs while the decay length distribution of three prong decays gives tau(tau) = 298 +/- 13 (stat.) +/- 5 (syst.) fs. The combined result is tau(tau) = 298 +/- 7 fs. The ratio of the Fermi coupling constant from tau decay relative to that from muon decay is found to be 0.985 +/- 0.013, compatible with lepton universality.
Measurement of $\mbox{B}^0_d$ - $\overline{\mbox{B}^0_d}$ oscillations
Design and implementation of the AMIGA embedded system for data acquisition
The successful installation, commissioning, and operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory would not have been possible without the strong commitment and effort from the technical and admin-istrative staff in Malargtie. We are very grateful to the following agencies and organizations for financial support: Comision Nacional de Energla Atomica, Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientffica y Tec-nologica (ANPCyT) , Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientfficas y Tecnicas (CONICET) , Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza, Municipalidad de Malargtie, NDM Holdings and Valle Las Leilas, in gratitude for their continuing cooperation over land access, Argentina; the Australian Research Council; Conselho…
The Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a hybrid detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It combines a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level together with a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The fluorescence detector comprises 24 large telescopes specialized for measuring the nitrogen fluorescence caused by charged particles of cosmic ray air showers. In this paper we describe the components of the fluorescence detector including its optical system, the design of the camera, the electronics, and the systems for relative and absolute calibration. We also discuss the operation and the monitoring of the detecto…
Searches for heavy neutrinos from Z decays
We have searched for possible fourth family heavy neutrinos, pair produced in Z0 decays, in a sample of about 112 000 hadronic Z0 final states collected with the DELPHI detector. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Dirac neutrino lighter than 44.5 GeV at a 95% confidence level, if the neutrino couples to the electron or muon family, and lighter than 44.0 GeV, if the neutrino couples to the tau family. Depending on the values of the mixing element and to which lepton family the neutrino couples, we obtain mass limits up to 46.2 GeV. For all mixing matrix elements we exclude a new Majorana neutrino lighter than 39.0 GeV, if it couples to the electron or the muon family, and lighte…
Testing effects of Lorentz invariance violation in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory
The successful installation, commissioning, and operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory would not have been possible without the strong commitment and effort from the technical and administrative staff in Malargüe. We are very grateful to the following agencies and organizations for financial support: Argentina — Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET); Gobierno de la Provincia de Mendoza; Municipalidad de Malargüe; NDM Holdings and Valle Las Leñas; in gratitude for their continuing cooperation over land access; Australia — the Australian Research Council; Be…
Search For Light Neutral Higgs Particles Produced In Z0-decays
A search for the neutral Higgs boson in Z0-decays has been performed using the DELPHI detector at the Large Electron Positron collider (LEP) at CERN. We looked for the decay of Z0 into a neutral Higgs particle and a pair of fermions. No events fulfilled the criteria for H0-production. Our results, which are based on an integrated luminosity of 530 nb-1, exclude a minimal Standard Model Higgs boson with a mass in the range 210 MeV/c2 to 14 GeV/c2 at 95% confidence level.
Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory
We present the first hybrid measurement of the average muon number in air showers at ultrahigh energies, initiated by cosmic rays with zenith angles between 62° and 80°. The measurement is based on 174 hybrid events recorded simultaneously with the surface detector array and the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The muon number for each shower is derived by scaling a simulated reference profile of the lateral muon density distribution at the ground until it fits the data. A 1019eV shower with a zenith angle of 67°, which arrives at the surface detector array at an altitude of 1450 m above sea level, contains on average (2.68±0.04±0.48(sys))×107 muons with energies large…
A study of intermittency in Hadronic Z$^0$ Decays
The correlations in rapidity in hadron production from e+e- annihilation near the Z0 resonance were studied by means of the method of factorial moments, using data taken with the DELPHI detector at LEP. The parton shower hadronization model was found to be in quantitative agreement with the data, in contrast with previous results at lower energies. © 1990.
A precise measurement of the Z resonance parameters through its hadronic decays
A measurement of the cross section for e+e-→ hadrons using 11 000 hadronic decays of the Z boson at ten different center-of-mass energies is presented. A three-parameter fit gives the following values for the Z mass MZ, the total width ΓZ, the product of the electronic and hadronic partial widths ΓeΓh, and the unfolded pole cross section σ0: MZ = 91.171 ± 0.030 (stat.) ± 0.030 (beam) GeV, ΓZ = 2.511 ± 0.065 GeV, ΓeΓh = 0.148 ± 0.006 (stat.) ± 0.004 (syst.) GeV2, σ0 = 41.6 ± 0.7 (stat.) ± 1.1 (syst.) nb, Good agreement with the predictions of the standard model is observed. From a two-parameter fit the number of massless neutrino generations is found to be Nv = 2.91 ± 0.26. Thus the hypothes…
Update on the correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic matter
Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory through 31 August 2007 showed evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min energy threshold, 6 x 10(19) eV. The anisotropy was measured by the fraction of arrival directions that are less than 3.1 degrees from the position of an active galactic nucleus within 75 Mpc (using the Veron-Cetty and Veron 12th catalog). An updated measurement of this fraction is reported here using the arrival directions of cosmic rays recorded above the same energy threshold through 31 December 2009. The number of arrival directions has increased from 27 to 69, allowing a more precise measurement. The correlating…
Study of the leptonic decays of the Z0 boson
Measurements are presented of the cross section ratios Rℓ = σℓ(e+e-→ℓ+ℓ -)/σhh(e+e-→hadrons) for ℓ = e, μ and τ using data taken from a scan around the Z0. The results are Re = (5.09±0.32±0.18)%, Rμ = (4.96±0.35±0.17)% and Rτ,=(4.72±0.38± 0.29)% where, for the ratio Re, the t-channel contribution has been subtracted. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of lepton universality and test this hypothesis at the energy scale s ∼ 8300 GeV2. The absolute cross sections σℓ(e+e-→ℓ +ℓ-) have also been measured. From the cross sections the leptonic partial widths Γe = (83.2±3.0±2.4) MeV, (ΓeΓμ) 1/2=(84.6±3.0±2.4) MeV and (ΓeΓτ) 1/2=(82.6±3.3±3.2) MeV have been extracted. Assuming lepton un…
Measurement of the radiation energy in the radio signal of extensive air showers as a universal estimator of cosmic-ray energy
We measure the energy emitted by extensive air showers in the form of radio emission in the frequency range from 30 to 80 MHz. Exploiting the accurate energy scale of the Pierre Auger Observatory, we obtain a radiation energy of 15.8±0.7(stat)±6.7(syst) MeV for cosmic rays with an energy of 1 EeV arriving perpendicularly to a geomagnetic field of 0.24 G, scaling quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy. A comparison with predictions from state-of-the-art first-principles calculations shows agreement with our measurement. The radiation energy provides direct access to the calorimetric energy in the electromagnetic cascade of extensive air showers. Comparison with our result thus allows the d…
Search for scalar quarks in Z0 decays
A search has been made for pairs of scalar quarks (squarks) produced in e+e- annihilations at LEP (√s≃MZ0), and decaying into a standard quark and a neutral, non-interacting, stable, massive particle (the lightest supersymmetric particle, LSP). The search has been conducted for differences in the mass of the squark and LSP of 2 GeV/c2 and above. Up squarks with masses below 42 GeV/c2 and down squarks below 43 GeV/c2 were excluded. Six squark flavours degenerate in mass were excluded below 45 GeV/c2.
Multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum in $e^+e^-$ annihilations at LEP energies
A strong increase of the mean transverse momentum [p(t)] with the number of charged particles n(ch) is observed in e+e- annihilations into hadrons at LEP energies, The effect resembles correlations observed in hadron-hadron interactions. In e+e- annihilations the [p(t)] and n(ch) correlations can be accounted for by gluon radiation.
Determination of 55-155-155-1in second order QCD from hadronic Z decays
Distributions of event shape variables obtained from 120600 hadronic Z decays measured with the DELPHI detector are compared to the predictions of QCD based event generators. Values of the strong coupling constant αs are derived as a function of the renormalization scale from a quantitative analysis of eight hadronic distributions. The final result, αs(MZ), is based on second order perturbation theory and uses two hadronization corrections, one computed with a parton shower model and the other with a QCD matrix element model. © 1992 Springer-Verlag.
Measurement of the partial width of the decay of the Z0 into charm quark pairs
A determination of the partial width Γc̄ of the Z0 boson into charm quark pairs is presented, based on a total sample of 36 900 Z0 hadronic decays measured with the DELPHI detector at the LEP collider. The production rate of cc events is derived from the inclusive analysis of charged pions coming from the decay of charmed meson D*+-→D0π+ and D*-→D̄0π- where the π± is constrained by kinematics to have a low pT with respect to the jet axis. The probability to procedure these π± from D*± decay in cc events is taken to be 0.31±0.05 as measured at √S = 10.55 GeV. The measured relative partial width Γ∞/Γh = 0.162± 0.030(stat.) ± 0.050(syst.) is in good agreement with the standard model value of 0…
A measurement of the photon structure function F-2(gamma) at an average Q(2) of 12 GeV2/c(4)
The hadronic photon structure function F_{2}^{gamma} has been measured in the Q^{2} range from 4 to 30~GeV^2/c^{4} and down to x values of order 0.001, using data taken with the DELPHI detector at LEP between 1991 and 1993. A comparison is made with several F_{2}^{gamma} parameterizations with special emphasis on their low x behaviour. A result on the Q^{2} evolution of F_{2}^{gamma} is presented.
Features of the Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Rays above 2.5×10$^{18}$ eV Using the Pierre Auger Observatory
We report a measurement of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays above $2.5{\times} 10^{18}$ eV based on $215,030$ events. New results are presented: at about $1.3{\times} 10^{19}$ eV, the spectral index changes from $2.51 \pm 0.03 \textrm{ (stat.)} \pm 0.05 \textrm{ (sys.)}$ to $3.05 \pm 0.05 \textrm{ (stat.)}\pm 0.10\textrm{ (sys.)}$, evolving to $5.1\pm0.3\textrm{ (stat.)} \pm 0.1\textrm{ (sys.)}$ beyond $5{\times} 10^{19}$ eV, while no significant dependence of spectral features on the declination is seen in the accessible range. These features of the spectrum can be reproduced in models with energy-dependent mass composition. The energy density in cosmic rays above $5{\times} 10^{18}$ eV …
Correlation of the highest-energy cosmic rays with the positions of nearby active galactic nuclei
Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory provide evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of the cosmic rays with the ighest-energies, which are correlated with the positions of relatively nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) [Pierre Auger Collaboration, Science 318 (2007) 938]. The correlation has maximum significance for cosmic rays with energy greater than ~6 x 1019 eV and AGN at a distance less than ~75 Mpc. We have confirmed the anisotropy at a confidence level of more than 99% through a test with parameters specified a priori, using an independent data set. The observed correlation is compatible with the hypothesis that cosmic rays with the highest-energies originate fro…