Konrāds Popovs
Pleistocene age paleo-groundwater inferred from water-stable isotope values in the central part of the Baltic Artesian Basin.
A new data set of δ(2)H and δ(18)O in the groundwater from the central part of the Baltic Artesian Basin is presented. The hydrogeological section is subdivided into stagnation, slow exchange and active exchange zones. Na-Ca-Cl brine found at the deepest part - the stagnation zone - is characterized by δ(18)O values above -5 ‰ and δ(2)H values approaching -40 ‰ with respect to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water. The slow exchange zone where waters of mostly intermediate salinity reside is characterized by δ(18)O values around -11.7 ‰ and δ(2)H values around -85.3 ‰. Mean δ(18)O and δ(2)H values of the fresh groundwater in the active water exchange zone are -11.1 and -79.9 ‰, respectively. Cha…
The Devonian Stratigraphic Succession and Evolution of the Baltic Sedimentary Basin
Facies analysis, biostratigraphic and taphonomic studies, a re-evaluation of signatures of worldwide events, and a new mathematical model of the Baltic sedimentary basin (BSB) have together enabled a better understanding to be gained of the development of the Devonian basins in the Baltic area. We have established four stages of basin evolution: (a) remnant basin stage (Lochkovian); (b) shallow epeiric basin stage, with mainly siliciclastic sedimentation (Pragian–early Frasnian); (c) shallow epeiric basin stage, with mainly carbonate sedimentation (Frasnian); and (d) infilling stage of the progressively narrowing shallow epeiric basin, with mixed sedimentation (Famennian).
Water stable isotope data set in temperate, lowland catchment, two years of monthly observations, River Salaca, Latvia
Highlights • Two years of monthly water stable isotope ratios from temperate lowland catchment. • Hourly water table, temperature and electrical conductivity monitoring. • Distinct isotope ratios for raised bog, groundwater and rivers.
A δ18O isoscape for the shallow groundwater in the Baltic Artesian Basin
The study presents a shallow groundwater isoscape for the Baltic region, which covers the major part of the Baltic Artesian Basin (BAB). BAB is an important palaeogroundwater reservoir, but prior to this study, little has been known about the spatial variability of δD and δ18O values in modern precipitation input across the region. To overcome this limitation, we hypothesized that the isotopic composition of shallow groundwater in the BAB could be used as a proxy for the mean weighted annual isotopic composition of local precipitation. However, the results of the study reveal many clear discrepancies between the isotopic composition of precipitation and shallow groundwater in the area. The …
An insight into water stable isotope signatures in temperate catchment
Abstract Stable isotopes are used to decipher hydrological processes in watershed research. A two-year monthly monitoring of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios (δ2H and δ18O) in a temperate catchment in Norther Europa, Latvia was undertaken. Isotope ratios in common water types – raised bog, confined groundwater, unconfined groundwater and surface water – were measured. We found characteristic signatures of isotope ratios for each of these four water types. The average isotope ratios of different water types ranged from −80.8 to −68.3‰ for δ2H and −11.46 to −8.76‰ for δ18O, with standard deviations from 18 to 25‰ and 0.10 to 1.59‰, respectively. The isotope ratios of the stream base …
Gone to smelt iron in Courland: technology transfer in the development of an early modern industry
SUMMARY: In the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, corresponding to the southern and western parts of present-day Latvia, an iron industry based on blast-furnace technology, mainly using local bog iron ore, existed in the 17th and 18th centuries. Transfer of knowledge and skill through the recruitment of specialists from other countries of Europe was crucial to the development of this industry; technology was also re-exported to Russia and elsewhere. Recent archaeological and archaeometallurgical investigations supplement the written evidence, highlighting the specific local conditions that influenced the development of ferrous metalworking here in the early modern period. This article will …
Joint Methodology for the Identification and Assessment of Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems in Estonia and Latvia
Dynamic interactions between ground- and surface water are widely known, but the role of groundwater in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is often poorly understood and documented due to the spatiotemporal complexity. Many countries have not yet completed the assessment of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs). GDEs are valuable ecosystems that depend on groundwater input and can not be considered and assessed separately. Changes in the quantity and chemical composition of groundwater recharge may result in significant and permanent damage on GDE flora and fauna. Aquifers are dynamic systems which are not subject to administrative boundaries and borders, therefore should be managed in cl…
Gultnes morfoloģijas un nogulumu transporta modelēšana Rīvas lejtecē
Bakalaura darbā „Gultnes morfoloģijas un nogulumu transporta modelēšana Rīvas lejtecē” ir veikti upes gultnes morfoloģijas izmaiņu un nogulumu transporta pētījumi Rīvas upes posmā. Darba pētījumu mērķis ir raksturot upes gultnes morfoloģijas izmaiņas, nogulumu transporta procesus un to ietekmējošos faktorus, galveno uzmanību veltot šo procesu modelēšanai. Gultnes morfoloģijas un nogulumu transporta procesu matemātiskās modelēšanai nepieciešamie gultnes morfoloģijas, nogulumu un hidroloģisko faktoru parametri tika iegūti veicot mērījumus in situ un pēc nogulumu granulometriskā sastāva noteikšanas rezultātiem. Pētījuma rezultātā noskaidrota fluviālo procesu ietekmējošo faktoru savstarpējā atk…
Ģeoloģiskās struktūras trīsdimensiju modeļa algoritmizēta izveide Latvijas teritorijai
Maģistra darba „Ģeoloģiskās struktūras trīsdimensiju modeļa algoritmizēta izveide Latvijas teritorijai” pētījumā ir izveidots noslēgtu tilpumu 3D ģeoloģiskais modelis Latvijas teritorijai, kas atspoguļo nogulumiežu segas ģeoloģisko uzbūvi ar tās galvenajiem struktūrelementiem. Pētījuma realizācijai tika apkopots un digitāli apstrādāts pieejamais kartogrāfiskais materiāls no iepriekš publicētajām ģeoloģiskajām kartēm, kā arī apkopota un analizēta pieejamā urbumu ģeoloģiskā informācija no LVĢMC izstrādātās urbumu datubāzes „URBUMI.” Darba ietvaros ir veikts pieejamo ģeoloģisko datu izvērtējums un analīze, veikta ģeoloģisko datu interpolācijas metodikas adaptācija modelējamās teritorijas speci…
Pleistocene age paleo-groundwater inferred from water-stable isotope values in the central part of the Baltic Artesian Basin
A new data set of δ2H and δ18O in the groundwater from the central part of the Baltic Artesian Basin is presented. The hydrogeological section is subdivided into stagnation, slow exchange and active exchange zones. Na–Ca–Cl brine found at the deepest part – the stagnation zone – is characterized by δ18O values above −5 ‰ and δ2H values approaching −40 ‰ with respect to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water. The slow exchange zone where waters of mostly intermediate salinity reside is characterized by δ18O values around −11.7 ‰ and δ2H values around −85.3 ‰. Mean δ18O and δ2H values of the fresh groundwater in the active water exchange zone are −11.1 and −79.9 ‰, respectively. Characteristically,…