Marjatta Takala
Kuulomonivammaisen lapsen koulunkäynnin toteutuminen lähikoulussa
Kuulomonivammaisten koulupolkua on tutkittu vähänlaisesti, erityisesti inklusiivisessa kouluympäristössä (lähikoulussa). Selvitimme, miten kuulomonivammaisen lapsen koulunkäynti toteutuu lähikoulussa. Tutkimukseen osallistui kaksi kuulomonivammaista lasta, heidän vanhempansa sekä toisen lapsen opettaja ja koulunkäynninohjaaja. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla ja haastatteluilla. Lapsen saaminen lähikouluun voi olla työn takana ja se voi vaatia vanhemmilta tavallista suurempaa aktiivisuutta. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että yleisopetuksen opettaja muutti opetustapaansa, kun luokassa oli kuulomonivammainen oppilas. Hän visualisoi opetustaan, selkeytti omaa puhettaan, hyödynsi opetusvälineitä s…
Students in higher education with reading and writing difficulties
The aim of this study is to explore adult students’ descriptions and understandings of their reading and writing difficulties, and to describe the ways they are copying with them. In higher level studies, information is typically gained by reading and giving evidence of knowledge acquisition in writing. When students have difficulties with these essential academic skills, studying and lifelong learning can be hard work as well as time-consuming. General understanding of dyslexia and reading difficulties at the higher education level has improved, although considerable ambiguity remains about what these mean in practice. This is a qualitative, interview-based study that seeks to improve our …
Frequency of co‐teaching in different teacher categories
Co‐teaching – or the use of more than one teacher in a classroom – has been commonly recommended as a means to promote inclusive education. The aim of the present study was to survey the actual frequency of co‐teaching among different teacher categories in the comprehensive school level in one Finnish city. The data were collected through a questionnaire answered by two representative samples of teachers including 117 resource room teachers in the first survey, and 317 teachers of various teacher categories in the second. The results showed that co‐teaching was a widespread phenomenon among resource room teachers and special class teachers but less frequent among other teacher groups. Overa…
Hearing-impaired pupils in mainstream education in Finland: teachers’ experiences of inclusion and support
Today, in Finland, the majority of hearing-impaired pupils attend regular schools. This is in line with inclusive policy. This study aims to investigate do these pupils receive support from teacher ...