Francesco Pomara
Influenza della dismetria del bacino sulla deambulazione in femmine adolescenti. Un'analisi con piattaforma di forza
Obiettivo. L’obiettivo principale dello studio è stato quello di analizzare l’influenza di un tilt pelvico sulla deambulazione in soggetti adolescenti attraverso l’uso di una piattaforma di forza. Metodi. Allo studio hanno partecipato 9 soggetti adolescenti di sesso femminile (12,33±1,22 anni), di cui 6 con tilt pelvico. Risultati. In ortostasi, il piede sinistro sopportava un carico, in percentuale del peso corporeo, maggiore del piede destro (52,56±3,78% vs 47,44±3,78%; p<0,05), a parità di superficie di appoggio; in deambulazione, i soggetti mostravano, a parità di tempi di appoggio dei singoli piedi al suolo, una riduzione del carico sul piede destro rispetto al sinistro, significativa …
Influence of family history to type 2 diabetes on the body composition and homeostasis model assessment: a comparison between young active and sedentary men.
Obiettivo. La storia familiare (family history, FH) per il diabete mellito (DM) di tipo 2 è un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo della malattia, inducendo precoci modificazioni metaboliche e antropometriche in soggetti sedentari. Lo scopo di questo lavoro era studiare l’influenza di FH al DM sulla composizione corporea e sul metabolismo del glucosio in giovani uomini sedentari ed attivi. Metodi. In un’analisi trasversale, sono stati registrati dati antropometrici, composizione corporea (tramite BIA), insulina e glucosio plasmatici in 60 giovani siciliani sani (31 atleti e 29 soggetti sedentari); FH è stata definita come FH+ se il soggetto aveva riferito di avere almeno un membro della fami…
Valutazione funzionale del fitness cardio-polmonare e metabolica di pazienti paraplegici attivi e non attivi:confronto con giovani sedentari sani.
Alcohol consumption and hormonal alterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review
Detrimental effects of acute and chronic alcohol (ethanol) consumption on human physiology are well documented in the literature. These adversely influence neural, metabolic, cardiovascular, and thermoregulatory functions. However, the side effects of ethanol consumption on hormonal fluctuations and subsequent related skeletal muscle alterations have received less attention and as such are not entirely understood. The focus of this review is to identify the side effects of ethanol consumption on the major hormones related to muscle metabolism and clarify how the hormonal profiles are altered by such consumption.
Family history of type 2 diabetes and altered maximal aerobic capacity in elite young athletes: a cross-sectional study.
Aim. Family history of type 2 diabetes is a predictive risk factor of illness in sedentary subjects and induces early phenotypic and metabolic alterations. The aim of this study was to determine whether a family history of diabetes in young male athletes had an effect on metabolic functional parameters. Methods. The study population was 42 young male athletes with or without a family history of type 2 diabetes. Anthropometric parameters, body composition, and maximal aerobic capacity (V̇O2max) were assessed. Results. V̇O2max was lower in the 13 athletes with a family history of diabetes (FH+) than in the 29 athletes without a family history of the disorder (FH-) matched for kilogram of body…
The relationship between type 2 diabetes family history, body composition and blood basal glycemia in sedentary people.
The aim of this study was to verify whether there is a positive correlation between family history to type 2 diabetes mellitus and body mass and composition, and alterations in blood basal glycaemia levels in sedentary male and female. Anthropometric variables, blood parameters, body composition and body surface area were evaluated on 183 male and 237 female sedentary individuals. Participants were classified into two groups: FH(+) (family history positive) and FH(-) (familiar history negative) according to their medical history. The FH(+) group showed higher values of body mass and body surface area than FH(-) group. These differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05) for the femal…
L’osteoporosi nelle lesioni del midollo spinale: analisi trasversale su paraplegici
Validation in Young Soccer Players of the Modified Version of the Harre Circuit Test: The Petrucci Ability Test
The evaluation of soccer players’ physical fitness from youth onward is important for monitoring performance and planning training. While health-related factors present valid and reliable tests, the skill-related component should be studied in depth. An interesting test to evaluate the skill-related factors is the Harre circuit test (HTC); unfortunately, this test includes the somersault, an element not present in soccer. The aim of the present study is the validation of the Petrucci ability test (PAT), a variation of the HTC without the somersault for young soccer players. Children and adolescents (age range 10–13 years old) soccer players concluded the 20-m, the HTC and the PAT. To establ…
Retraction: Alcohol consumption and hormonal alterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review
Detrimental effects of acute and chronic alcohol (ethanol) consumption on human physiology are well documented in the literature. These adversely influence neural, metabolic, cardiovascular, and thermoregulatory functions. However, the side effects of ethanol consumption on hormonal fluctuations and subsequent related skeletal muscle alterations have received less attention and as such are not entirely understood. The focus of this review is to identify the side effects of ethanol consumption on the major hormones related to muscle metabolism and clarify how the hormonal profiles are altered by such consumption.
The basal energy expenditure of female athletes vs. sedentary women as related to their family history of type 2 diabetes
The purpose of this study was to investigate the basal metabolic rate (BMR) in 16 professional sportswomen (soccer players) versus 15 sedentary women, as related to the presence (FH+) or absence (FH-) of a family history of type 2 diabetes. The sportswomen, in toto, had a significantly higher BMR than expected from predictive equations (+14.92%). However, the difference was limited only to FH- sportswomen (+18.66%, p<0.0005). FH- sportswomen showed a significantly higher measured BMR than FH+ sportswomen (p<0.005), and FH+ (p=0.058) and than FH- (p<0.05) sedentary women. There were no other significant differences relative to physical, metabolic and plasmatic data between the groups. The sp…
Obiettivo: È stata analizzata la possibile relazione, su un campione della popolazione siciliana, tra il grado di familiarità al diabete di tipo 2, i parametri antropometrici ed alcuni test di forza specifica. Materiali e metodi: In modalità random sono stati selezionati 88 uomini e 27 donne, distinti in FH- (assenza di familiarità per il diabete di tipo 2), FH+ (con un componente in linea indiretta con la malattia) ed FH++ (con un genitore affetto dalla malattia). Sono stati rilevati i parametri antropometrici, i parametri cardiovascolari ed è stato rilevato l’handgrip ad entrambe le mani. Le differenze tra i gruppi sono state analizzate con il test ANOVA ed attraverso correlazioni paramet…
Postural stability in subjects with whiplash injury symptoms: results of a pilot study
Posturographic tests can be used to assess and confirm the body's imbalance in subjects with whiplash injury. Further studies with larger cohorts are necessary to confirm this pilot study.To verify through a posturographic exam the qualitative and quantitative alterations of postural stability in subjects with previous cervical trauma in comparison with healthy subjects.A total of 42 subjects were analysed for the study; 22 as the control group (NM) and 20 (WM) with a positive anamnesis of whiplash injury from 3 to 12 month from diagnosis through a force platform. Centre of pressure (CoP) movements of the two groups with their eyes open and closed were recorded.During the closed eye test, t…
Monitoring biomarkers during preseason preparation period in professional soccer players
Aim. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of a 3-week experimental intervention on biomarkers in professional soccer players during the preseason preparation-period. Methods. Eight participants (age 22.5±2.2 yrs) were enrolled in the study. During the physical preparation period players have attended a training program (51,9 hours) planned by coaches of “Equipe-Sicilia-2009”. Results. At rest, the lipid profile, the creatine kinase (CK), the lactic-acid dehydrogenase (LDH) and the expression of nuclear receptors peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR α/γ) were analyzed before starting and after 3 weeks of training sessions. The plasma level of CK in our samples sho…
Association between gene polymorphims of actn3 and srd5a and athletic performance. (2006)
Influenza della familiarità al diabete di tipo 2 sulle caratteristiche antropo-biometriche di giovani calciatori
The surprising influence of family history to type 2 diabetes on anaerobic performance of young male élite athletes
Aims/Hypothesis It is known that family history to type 2 diabetes induces anthropometric changes in various populations. Regular physical activity can induce adaptations in these subjects regularizing body composition and anthropometric parameters. The aim of this study is therefore to understand if family history to type 2 diabetes affects anaerobic performance in young male élite athletes. Methods Forty six young male élite athletes were tested. Thirty three without family history to type 2 diabetes (FH-) and thirteen with family history to type 2 diabetes (FH+). Anthropometric parameters, body composition, physiological parameters and athletic performance were assessed. Results Weight (…
Plantar pressure distribution analysis in normal weight young women and men with normal and claw feet: a cross-sectional study
We analyzed the plantar support in 72 normal-weight young voluntaries (46 women, 26 men), by a baropodometric platform. We considered subjects with claw foot (CFS) and subjects with normal foot (NFS). We found a significant reduction of total plantar support surface in the CFS (P < 0.0001 for women, P < 0.001 for men), due to the reduction of the forefoot and rear foot areas of both plantar imprints. Indeed, CFS of both sexes exhibited higher values of both plantar pressure and peak pressure, compared to the NFS. Moreover, the load per units of plantar surface increased in CFS compared to the NFS. In conclusion, the reduction of plantar support surfaces in CFS of both sexes was associated t…
The evaluation of motor skills on young soccer player: an innovative approach
Obesity influence on the walking-cycle: Biomechanical analysis with force plat in young women.
How do sports affect static baropodometry? An observational study among women living in southern Italy
Purpose. the aim of the study was (a) to investigate the differences in plantar pressure distribution between athletes (A) and sedentary (S) women; (b) to examine the differences, if any, in plantar pressure between sports within the A group. Methods. the study involved 173 females; 98 were S (age: 24.23 ± 6.11 years; height: 161.11 ± 6.44 cm; weight: 56.70 ± 8.19 kg; bMI: 21.81 ± 2.52 kg/m 2 ; body surface area [bSA]: 1.59 ± 0.13; shoe size: 37.83 ± 1.53), 75 were A (age: 22.47 ± 4.89 years; height: 159.98 ± 5.95 cm; weight: 55.49 ± 7.61 kg; bMI: 21.62 ± 2.18 kg/m 2 ; bSA: 1.57 ± 0.12; shoe size: 38.05 ± 1.55). For plantar support analysis, the FreeMed posturography system was used, includ…