J. Reiss

Demonstration of dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase inNeurospora crassa hyphae with a cytochemical procedure

Dihydro-orotate dehydrogenase activity was demonstrated in the hyphae of the fungusNeurospora crassa by a cytochemical technique. The activity was slightly stronger in the hyphal tips thus demonstrating the more intense metabolic activity in these parts of the mycelium. Several control reactions showed that the staining reaction was specific.

research product

A new method for the cytochemical demonstration ofp-diphenol: O2 oxidoreductase (laccase)

Nachweis des Enzymsp-Diphenol: O2 oxidoreductase (Laccase) in den Zellen der PilzeAspergillus fumigatus, Aureobasidium pullulans undNeurospora sitophila durch einen Azofarbstoff, der mittels Kupplung des enzymatisch gebildetenp-Chinons mitBesthorn's Hydrazon(3-Methyl-benzthiazolon(2)-hydrazon-hydrochlorid) entsteht. Als Substrat wird Hydrochinon verwendet. Der Farbstoff wird in runden, rotbraunen Granula abgelagert. Kontrollreaktionen bestatigen die Spezifitat der Reaktion.

research product

Lysosome-like particles in Geotrichum candidum : A cytochemical study

Lysosome-like particles were localized in Geotrichum candidum by means of the technique for the detection of acid phosphatase of PEARSE and staining with the vital dyes Brilliant cresyl blue and Neutral red. Pretreatments of the cells with procedures injuring the lysosome membrane resulted in shortening of the incubation time (2 min instead of 30 min). After exposure to 1% Triton X-100 the cells showed uniform strong staining due to the release of the enzyme into the cytoplasm.

research product