Miguel A. Porras
Free-space delay lines and resonances with ultraslow pulsed Bessel beams
We investigate the ultraslow motion of polychromatic Bessel beams in unbounded, nondispersive media. Control over the group velocity is exercised by means of the angular dispersion of pulsed Bessel beams of invariant transverse spatial frequency, which spontaneously emerge from near-field generators. Temporal dynamics in transients and resonances over homogeneous delay lines (dielectric slabs) are also examined.
X-wave bullets with negative group velocity in vacuum.
Propagation-invariant, X waves with negative group velocity are reported. Beam aperturing allows for a comprehensive analysis concerning the causality of the optical signal and forerunner formation.
Gouy wave modes: undistorted pulse focalization in a dispersive medium.
Gouy wave modes are linear waves with finite energy that propagate without distortion at any phase and group velocity through a focal region in a dispersive medium. These features make them potentially useful for the onset and control of nonlinear interactions.
Controlling the carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle focused laser beams with a dispersive beam expander
We report on a procedure to focalize few-cycle laser pulses in dispersive media with controlled waveform. Stationarity of the carrier-envelope phase for extended depth of focus is attained by shaping the spatial dispersion of the ultrashort beam. An adjustable group velocity is locally tuned in order to match a prescribed phase velocity at focus. A hybrid diffractive-refractive lens system is proposed to drive the wavefield to an immersion microscope objective under convenient broadband modulation. Numerical simulations demonstrate robustness over positioning of this dispersive beam expander.