Javier López-sebastián
What guidelines tell us about acute pancreatitis. A review of the last international guidelines
Background Since the Atlanta Symposium several guidelines and consensus conferences have been published to improve the management and understanding of patients with acute pancreatitis. Herein, a review of the most recent guidelines on acute pancreatitis is carried out, trying to find differences and similarities.
Implicaciones pronósticas del estudio estandarizado de los márgenes de resección en el cáncer de páncreas
Resumen Introduccion La afectacion microscopica de los margenes de reseccion es un factor pronostico fundamental en la cirugia del cancer de pancreas. Sin embargo, su definicion anatomopatologica no esta estandarizada. Este estudio pretende identificar el porcentaje real de pacientes con resecciones R1 al analizar las piezas quirurgicas con un protocolo estandarizado y evaluar sus implicaciones sobre la supervivencia. Pacientes y metodos Serie de 100 pacientes consecutivos intervenidos por adenocarcinoma ductal de pancreas y resecciones macroscopicamente completas, divididos en 2 grupos: pre- y posprotocolo, segun se intervinieran antes o despues de la aplicacion de un protocolo estandariza…
Prognostic Implications of the Standardized Study of Resection Margins in Pancreatic Cancers
Abstract Introduction Involvement of surgical resection margins is a fundamental prognostic factor in pancreatic oncological surgery. However, there is a lack of standardized histopathology definition. The aims of this study are to investigate the real rate of R1 resections when surgical specimens are evaluated according to a standardized protocol and to study its survival implications. Patients and methods One hundred consecutive surgically resected patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma were included in the study. They were further divided into 2 groups: pre-protocol, evaluated before the introduction of the standardized protocol and post-protocol, analyzed with the standardized p…
Recurrence of esophageal cancer after R0 surgery: risk factors and evolution
Introduction despite advances in surgical and adjuvant therapy, recurrence in esophageal cancer submitted to R0 surgery remains high. The aim is to define risk factors and recurrence patterns. Additionally, to show the management carried out and the outcome of patients showing recurrence. Material and methods observational and prospective study that included 61 patients. Neoadjuvancy therapy was indicated on T3, T4 and N+ tumors and every lymph node dissection was performed in two fields. Recurrence is defined at distance, regional or local, when, recurrence is detected after six months. According to clinical features and the recurrences, a palliative, chemotherapeutic or surgical managemen…