Sydney Otten


DeepXS: fast approximation of MSSM electroweak cross sections at NLO

We present a deep learning solution to the prediction of particle production cross sections over a complicated, high-dimensional parameter space. We demonstrate the applicability by providing state-of-the-art predictions for the production of charginos and neutralinos at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the next-to-leading order in the phenomenological MSSM-19 and explicitly demonstrate the performance for $pp\to\tilde{\chi}^+_1\tilde{\chi}^-_1,$ $\tilde{\chi}^0_2\tilde{\chi}^0_2$ and $\tilde{\chi}^0_2\tilde{\chi}^\pm_1$ as a proof of concept which will be extended to all SUSY electroweak pairs. We obtain errors that are lower than the uncertainty from scale and parton distribution functi…

research product

Event generation and statistical sampling for physics with deep generative models and a density information buffer

Simulating nature and in particular processes in particle physics require expensive computations and sometimes would take much longer than scientists can afford. Here, we explore ways to a solution for this problem by investigating recent advances in generative modeling and present a study for the generation of events from a physical process with deep generative models. The simulation of physical processes requires not only the production of physical events, but to also ensure that these events occur with the correct frequencies. We investigate the feasibility of learning the event generation and the frequency of occurrence with several generative machine learning models to produce events l…

research product