Frédéric Tupin

Efficacité sociale du système éducatif français dans les régions ultrapériphériques. Le cas de La Réunion


research product

Diversité linguistique et éveil aux langues

International audience

research product

Méthodologie de l'évaluation

International audience

research product

Enseignement et démocratisation : comparaison des effets sociaux des politiques de deux systèmes éducatifs, Ile Maurice, Ile de la Réunion

International audience; Mauritious and Réunion are characterised by their contrasting education policies. Our research questions, form a comparative angle, not just the impact of these political choice but also the consequences of the way the two systems are run in terms of school democratisation. In order to do this, we make a point of putting in perspective the differentiated paths in school followed by pupils from a sample of schools in Mauritius and Réunion. The complementarity between quantitative and qualitative approaches makes it possible to show that the expected social effects are modulated by the behaviour strategies of the "initiated" actors. If the movement towards education fo…

research product

EVLANG. Le bilan

International audience

research product

Les systèmes éducatifs à la réunion et à l'Ile Maurice : quelle efficacité sociale ?

International audience; The islands of Mauritius and Réunion have contrasting educational policies. This article examines, from a comparative perspective, not only the impact of political decisions on education but also the way in which the different educational systems in two islands affect the democratisation of learning. In order to do this, the authors compare the educational trajectories of different pupils from a range of schools in Mauritius and Réunion. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, it is possible to show that the expected social effects are moderated in the cours of teaching. While the adoption of mass education is a prerequisite for democratisatio…

research product

Dynamiques de classe et efficacité scolaire

The present research aims at describing the efficiency of teaching practices involved in dynamic "teaching-training" processes. Our main approach consisted in relating in-class-monitoring to the results of knowledge-acquisition by pupils so as to better explain through what means the pupils’ knowledge and competence are acquired. At a theoretical level this implies combining the "process-product" paradigm along with the "ecological" paradigm [ 1]. Results obtained indicate that bringing together the analysis of teaching practices with the evaluation of their impact "which are still limited to an exploratory stage" are a method well-worth pursuing. [ 1] See above the general introduction to …

research product