

Dynamiques de classe et efficacité scolaire

Frédéric TupinSophie Genelot


Primary school[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education05 social sciences[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education050301 educationEffet-classeAcquisition de connaissances[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education050108 psychoanalysisPratique pédagogiqueefficacité ; typologies ; processus d'enseignement/ apprentissage ; effet-classe ; implication ; interactions ; acquisitions ; activitéDynamique de la classeEnseignement primaireIn-class effectKnowledge acquisitionTeaching/Training Process0501 psychology and cognitive sciences0503 education


The present research aims at describing the efficiency of teaching practices involved in dynamic "teaching-training" processes. Our main approach consisted in relating in-class-monitoring to the results of knowledge-acquisition by pupils so as to better explain through what means the pupils’ knowledge and competence are acquired. At a theoretical level this implies combining the "process-product" paradigm along with the "ecological" paradigm [ 1]. Results obtained indicate that bringing together the analysis of teaching practices with the evaluation of their impact "which are still limited to an exploratory stage" are a method well-worth pursuing. [ 1] See above the general introduction to this thematic issue ved in dynamic "teaching-training" processes. Our main approach consisted in relating in-class-monitoring to the results of knowledge-acquisition by pupils so as to better explain through what means the pupils’ knowledge and competence are acquired. At a theoretical level this implies combining the "process-product" paradigm along with the "ecological" paradigm [1]. Results obtained indicate that bringing together the analysis of teaching practices with the evaluation of their impact - which are still limited to an exploratory stage - are a method well-worth pursuing. [1] See above the general introduction to this thematic issue
