Aspects concerning the manifestation of the students’ emotional intelligence
Abstract In this study, we were proposed to investigate aspects concerning the manifestation of the students’ emotional intelligence, namely the extent to which the adolescents possess a series of capacities proper to emotional intelligence. Wayne Leon Payne defines emotional intelligence as being the ability which implies a creative relation with states of anxiety, pain and desire. Emotion depends on the way a person analyzes and evaluates a certain situation. In order to determine the emotional intelligence quotient, it was used the Emotional Intelligence Test for adults, in the version adapted by M. Rocco from R. Bar-On and D. Goleman. The personality dimensions were determined using the…
Current Guidance during the orientation in career counseling
Abstract Counseling is a complex process encompassing a large wide range of interventions that requires specialized training. Success counseling is provided by the active involvement and responsibility of both parties (counselor and counseled people) in making a genuine alliance based on mutual respect and trust. The concept of career guidance is covered the widest range of activities, take information and evaluation, counseling and education to career and becomes the “umbrella concept” for activities in this area.
Intercultural competences of students-strategic approaches
Intercultural education is a category of the „new education” and a desideratum of the European dimension of education. This study presents the results obtained from a research centred on the training and development of intercultural skills of students of „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu which are enrolled in various study programmes of the Socio-Human Sciences Faculty. The study was based on the general hypothesis that teaching in higher education in an intercultural context contributes to the formation and development of intercultural skills in students, as well as improving and streamlining the learning process, increasing interest in the cultural characteristics of other peoples. The r…
The Place of Energy Security in the National Security Framework: An Assessment Approach
The term “energy security” is used almost everywhere in economic and political discussions related to energy supply. However, different authors use different meanings to express the concept of energy security. Quite often, this term is used to give more importance or relevance to issues that are often not inherently related to energy security. Attempts to define the essence of the concept of “energy security” have hitherto not been systematic and are characterized by a variety of approaches, and some insufficient justification especially in the aspect of state national security is notable. Our contribution to the discourse development is the consideration of energy s…
The function of mirror neurons in the learning process
In the last years, Neurosciences have developed very much, being elaborated many important theories scientific research in the field. The main goal of neuroscience is to understand how groups of neurons interact to create the behavior. Neuroscientists studying the action of molecules, genes and cells. It also explores the complex interactions involved in motion perception, thoughts, emotions and learning. Brick fundamental nervous system is the nerve cell, neuron. Neurons exchange information by sending electrical signals and chemical through connections called synapses. Discovered by a group of Italian researchers from the University of Parma, neurons - mirror are a special class of nerve …
Stimulating teachers’ participation in lifelong training programs
In this paper we will present the main ways to stimulate teacher participation in lifelong education programs, we have conducted during a POCU project, implemented between April 11, 2018 and December 10, 2020. The purpose of this research approach was to demonstrate the role of providing incentives to teachers who participate in continuing education programs. The study started from the general hypothesis that providing the opportunity to obtain some types of incentives contributes to motivating teachers’ participation in continuing education programs, as well as to obtaining very good results in the evaluation process. The research methods used to carry out the research approach were: the s…
The Development of Students’ Metacognitive Competences. A Case Study
In the information society metacognitive competencies are essential. Based on some activities from the Enrichment Instrumental Program elaborated by professor Reuven Feuerstein we have designed a program for developing the students capacities of selfcontrol, selfknowing and intelectual learning strategies. The case study presents the formation of students’ metacognitive competences at the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, "Hermann Oberth" Faculty of Enginereeing, Department of Computers Sciences. A Web based application has been developed in order to enable students to self-evaluate their metacognitive competencies and to acquire self-regulatory abilities.
The Development of the Teachers’ Competences and Abilities Concerning the Educational Mentoring of the Disabled
Abstract In this paper, we will present some important aspects regarding the design and implementation of a project which generates significant results in the life-long learning of the teachers from all levels of the Romanian education system. The project is part of the priority axis: “The development of human resources in education and professional training”. The general objective aims to improve the e-learning interactive methods and the activity with the disabled in order to use them also within the didactic activity, to improve the results of the educational process as well as to increase the disabled access to education.
Higher Education for People with Disabilities – Romanian Education Experience
Abstract Implementation of a project which aimed was having access to a quality higher education to prospective students with disabilities has been a successful complex situations, obstacles, fears, future projections etc. Among the obstacles that hamper their access to higher education are: high costs, almost prohibitive for universities to provide suitable means for assimilation of the curriculum for these people with disabilities, physical barriers (inability to move at the college in order to pursue these courses or to access course materials in print format standard), material and financial matters such as, lack of qualified staff for educational mentoring people with disabilities, lac…