A. Herkert
Technical design of the phase I Mu3e experiment
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / A 1014, 165679 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.nima.2021.165679
Irradiation study of a fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor design in AMS 180 nm
Abstract High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) based on a 180 nm HV-CMOS process have been proposed to realize thin, fast and highly integrated pixel sensors. The MuPix7 prototype, fabricated in the commercial AMS H18 process, features a fully integrated on-chip readout, i.e. hit-digitization, zero suppression and data serialization. MuPix7 is the first fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor that has been tested for the use in high irradiation environments like HL-LHC. We present results from laboratory and test beam measurements of MuPix7 prototypes irradiated with neutrons (up to 5.0 × 1015 neq/cm2) and 24 GeV protons (up to 7.8 × 1015 protons/cm2) and compare the performa…
MuPix and ATLASPix -- Architectures and Results
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) are based on a commercial High Voltage CMOS process and collect charge by drift inside a reversely biased diode. HV-MAPS represent a promising technology for future pixel tracking detectors. Two recent developments are presented. The MuPix has a continuous readout and is being developed for the Mu3e experiment whereas the ATLASPix is being developed for LHC applications with a triggered readout. Both variants have a fully monolithic design including state machines, clock circuitries and serial drivers. Several prototypes and design variants were characterised in the lab and in testbeam campaigns to measure efficiencies, noise, time reso…
Performance of the ATLASPix1 pixel sensor prototype in ams aH18 CMOS technology for the ATLAS ITk upgrade
The MuPix high voltage monolithic active pixel sensor for the Mu3e experiment
Mu3e is a novel experiment searching for charged lepton flavor violation in the rare decay μ → eee. In order to reduce background by up to 16 orders of magnitude, decay vertex position, decay time and particle momenta have to be measured precisely. A pixel tracker based on 50 μm thin high voltage monolithic active pixel sensors (HV-MAPS) in a magnetic field will deliver precise vertex and momentum information. Test beam results like an excellent efficiency of >99.5% and a time resolution of better than 16.6 ns obtained with the MuPix HV-MAPS chip developed for the Mu3e pixel tracker are presented.
Ultra-low material pixel layers for the Mu3e experiment
The upcoming Mu3e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavour violating decay of a muon at rest into three electrons. The maximal energy of the electrons is 53 MeV, hence a low material budget is a key performance requirement for the tracking detector. In this paper we summarize our approach to meet the requirement of about 0.1 % of a radiation length per pixel detector layer. This includes the choice of thinned active monolithic pixel sensors in HV-CMOS technology, ultra-thin flexible printed circuits, and helium gas cooling.
Performance of the large scale HV-CMOS pixel sensor MuPix8
The Mu3e experiment is searching for the charged lepton flavour violating decay $ ��^+\rightarrow e^+ e^- e^+ $, aiming for an ultimate sensitivity of one in $10^{16}$ decays. In an environment of up to $10^9$ muon decays per second the detector needs to provide precise vertex, time and momentum information to suppress accidental and physics background. The detector consists of cylindrical layers of $50\, ��\text{m}$ thin High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) placed in a $1\,\text{T}$ magnetic field. The measurement of the trajectories of the decay particles allows for a precise vertex and momentum reconstruction. Additional layers of fast scintillating fibre and tile detec…
MuPix8 — Large area monolithic HVCMOS pixel detector for the Mu3e experiment
Abstract The requirements of the ultra thin pixel detectors for the Mu3e experiment at PSI can be achieved by the HVCMOS technology, which allows the design of fast monolithic detectors. The latest nearly full size prototype, MuPix8, has a size of about 1 × 2 cm 2 . The pixel readout circuitry was fully redesigned in comparison to the previous MuPix versions. MuPix8’s readout electronics implement a new concept with two comparators and two different operation modes. One mode uses two threshold voltages for time walk correction, the other is a ramp-ADC. First tests show a detection efficiency of 99.6% for 4 GeV electrons.