Guillaume Martin

Analyse de trajectoires de transition agroécologique des systèmes agricoles

National audience

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Kā jaunās tehnoloģijas ietekmē ekonomikas izaugsmi?

Tēma Kā jaunās tehnoloģijas ietekmē ekonomikas attīstību? novērtē jauno tehnoloģiju ietekmi uz šo jauno revolūciju, ar kuru mēs saskaramies jau dažus gadus. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt un analizēt faktorus, kas ietekmē ekonomisko attīstību. Darbā iekļautie statistikas dati ir analizēti, izmantojot dažādas metodes. Pēdējā gadsimta ceturkšņa ekonomisko izaugsmi noteikti ir pavadījušas vēl nebijušas ekonomiskās pārmaiņas. Dramatiskā pasaules ekonomikas atvēršanās apvienojumā ar straujo tehnoloģiju attīstību ir uzlabojusi miljardiem cilvēku labklājību un dzīves līmeni visā pasaulē, īpaši starp nabadzīgākajiem cilvēkiem, bet šo procesu noteikti ir papildinājušas ekonomikas un darba tirgus …

research product

A multi-site study to classify semi-natural grassland types

International audience; Calibration and validation of simulation models describing herbage growth or feed quality of seminatural grasslands is a complex task for agronomists without investing effort into botanical surveys. To facilitate such modelling efforts, a limited number of grassland types were identified using a functional classification of species. These grassland types were characterized by three descriptors required to model herbage growth or feed quality: the abundance-weighted mean leaf dry matter content across grass species, the relative abundance of grasses, and an estimate of species richness. We conducted a multi-site analysis over 749 grasslands from eight temperate region…

research product

Dual disruption of aldehyde dehydrogenases 1 and 3 promotes functional changes in the glutathione redox system and enhances chemosensitivity in nonsmall cell lung cancer

AbstractAldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) are multifunctional enzymes that oxidize diverse endogenous and exogenous aldehydes. We conducted a meta-analysis based on The Cancer Genome Atlas and Gene Expression Omnibus data and detected genetic alterations in ALDH1A1, ALDH1A3, or ALDH3A1, 86% of which were gene amplification or mRNA upregulation, in 31% of nonsmall cell lung cancers (NSCLCs). The expression of these isoenzymes impacted chemoresistance and shortened survival times in patients. We hypothesized that these enzymes provide an oxidative advantage for the persistence of NSCLC. To test this hypothesis, we used genetic and pharmacological approaches with DIMATE, an irreversible inhibito…

research product

Do tomorrow’s diversified cropping systems need ley pastures?

International audience

research product

L’usage des trachytes de la chaîne des Puys depuis deux millénaires

The very recent work carried out within the framework of a Collective Research Project (PCR-Trachytes) supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs has completely renewed our knowledge of the use of trachytic lavas from the chaîne des Puys over the last two millennia. A complete petrographic identity sheet has been established for each of these trachytes. This database showed that each trachytic volcano was made up of a different lava from those of its neighbours, except for Cliersou and Aumône which have the same lava. Moreover, for the Puy de Dôme and the Cratère Kilian, it was shown that they were each made up of two different lavas. Thus, the fine chara…

research product

Les sarcophages mérovingiens en trachyte. Des carrières aux lieux d'enfouissement (Massif central)

A multi-disciplinary team is currently working on trachyte, a volcanic rock from the Chaîne des Puys (French massif central), within a research program supported by the French ministry of Culture. Although it has been known at least since the 19th century that this rock was used for construction and sculpture in antiquity, and in the making of sarcophagi in the middle ages, the systematisation of the research on trachyte, carried out since 2008, has enabled us to make significant advances in the knowledge of its exploitation and dissemination. Geologists have established a detailed identity card of the six volcanoes where massive lava is available, thereby allowing the classification of eac…

research product