Madara Apsalone
Impact of Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management Processes on Organizational Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Promocijas darbā novērtēta organizācijas kultūras (OK) un zināšanu pārvaldības (ZP) ietekme uz organizatorisko inovāciju (OI) — uzņēmējdarbības prakses, darba vietu organizācijas un ārējo attiecību – ieviešanu mikro, mazos un vidējos uzņēmumos (MVU), balstoties uz literatūras analīzi un 600 Latvijas MVU pētījumu. Profesionālā attīstība, stratēģiskā plānošana, zināšanu radīšana, pielietošana, novērtēšana un atjaunošana tajā noteikti kā galvenie OI veicinošie faktori, ierosināta metodika OI ieviešanas rādītāja novērtēšanai un konceptuālais OK, ZP un OI savstarpējo attiecību modelis. Rezultāti apstiprina, ka MVU, ko vairāk raksturo inovācijas veicinoša OK un ZP ir lielāka varbūtība ieviest OI,…
Ethical Behavior and Organizational Innovation: Analysis of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Latvia
Abstract Innovations can provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a significant competitive advantage considering the ambiguous business environment. SMEs may face lower capacity and more constrained funding for long-term investments, however, understanding innovation in a broader sense and looking into organizational structures, behaviors and processes, SMEs have an opportunity to become more competitive. This study analyzes the impact of ethical behavior as a part of an organizational culture on organizational innovation performance in SMEs. Six hundred SMEs in Latvia were surveyed to assess whether employees follow the principles of business ethics in their work and what is the …
European Socio-cultural Change and Generational Diversity in the Post-Soviet Workforce.
In times of increased retirement age and senior employees staying in workforce longer, successfully managing generational differences in the workforce forms an increasingly important challenge for modern day management. In many ways, generations may vary in attitudes and approaches, reflecting deeper differences in their core values. This might be particularly true for the Post-Soviet countries, where earlier generations were educated and started their careers within a completely different socio-economic system. In this study we explore differences in approaches towards values and attitudes amongst four generations of retail sector employees – starting from those, who were still to great ex…
Openness and staff training as antecedents of administration and management innovation: a cross-country study
A firm's ability to innovate has gained continuously increasing attention among scholars and practitioners. This study aims to discuss the relationship of a firm's openness as an element of organisational culture and staff training as an element of organisational learning to its activity in introducing administration and management innovation in two countries. Data collection was conducted in Latvia and Russia. To make the research more specific, organisational innovation is broken down into two categories: innovation in management practices; and innovation in workplace organisation. The result obtained demonstrated the positive impact of staff training on innovation activities and openness…
Bakalaura darbs „Sociāli ekonomiskie tīkli kā inovāciju veicināšanas faktors Latvijā” izstrādāts ar mērķi noskaidrot sociāli ekonomisko tīklu nozīmi inovāciju veicināšanā, ņemot vērā gan ES pieredzi, gan inovāciju tīklu veidošanas un pielietošanas iespējas Latvijā. Darbā tiek izvirzīta un, izmantojot EIS datus, pierādīta hipotēze, ka sociāli ekonomisko tīklu darbība ir nozīmīgs inovācijas veicinošs faktors. Galvenie secinājumi: ES ir labi attīstīti institucionālie sadarbības tīkli, kas veiksmīgi darbojas arī Latvijā; arvien lielāka nozīme ir sadarbībai ar zinātniskās pētniecības iestādēm, pieaug universitāšu kā inovatīvo tīklu centrālās ass loma; ES pieaug klasteru loma, Latvijā tie ir attī…
Organizational innovation for SME'S: a model for Latvia
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be a significant source of innovation in small economies. SMEs face challenges of limited capacity, personnel and resources for long-term investments. Additionally, they might not see and understand the benefits of innovation. Implementation of organizational innovation (OI) could give such enterprises an opportunity to improve competitiveness and develop other types of innovation. The purpose of this study is to develop a model, explaining OI through such factors as organizational culture (OC) and knowledge management (KM) in SMEs via an empirical study across various industries. Surveying 600 SMEs in Latvia, the authors explore the contributio…
Socio-cultural factors – shared values, norms and attitudes are significant, but less acknowledged sources of international competitiveness. Previous studies have found socio-cultural factors positively affecting various aspects of international competitiveness – entrepreneurship, innovation, productivity and international cooperation. These factors are more sustainable and less affected by external environment changes in comparison with the traditional factors. Socio-cultural factors provide an opportunity to develop competitiveness strategies based on unique advantages. This research aims to explore the impact of socio-cultural factors on international competiveness in small, open economi…
A firm’s organizational innovation and organizational learning abilities
Many recent studies are dedicated to the problem of innovation as a mean of improving a firm’s overall performance. Various kinds of innovation in a firm usually are closely interrelated with each other. While the majority of studies focus on technological - product and process - innovation, the investigation of non-technological - marketing and organizational - innovation (ORI), has increasingly attracted the interest of researchers during the last decade. Organizational culture and organizational learning are important drivers of such innovation. For instance, a collaborative culture, trust and open-mindedness encourage new initiatives and ideas, while learning helps not just to improve s…