Signe Tomsone
Dracocephalum ruyschiana L. propagation using in vitro technology: poster
Poster on international workshop "Current issues of plant conservation", August 16-18, 2016, Lithuania, Kaunas Botanical garden of Vytautas Magnus University.
Pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu matemātisko priekšstatu veidošanās kustību rotaļās
Darba tēma: Pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu matemātisko priekšstatu veidošanās kustību rotaļās Darba autors: Signe Tomsone Darba zinātniskais vadītājs: Dr. paed., Dagnija Vigule Darba mērķis: teorētiski un empīriski pētīt pirmskolas vecuma bērna matemātisko priekšstatu veidošanos kustību rotaļā. vai modificētu kustību rotaļu kopuma izveide bērnu matemātisko priekšstatu sekmēšanai pirmsskolā Darba apjoms: 49. lpp., 4 tabulas, 14 attēli, izmantoti 42 literatūras avoti. Pētījuma mērķis ir teorētiski un empīriski pētīt pirmskolas vecuma bērna matemātisko priekšstatu veidošanos kustību rotaļās. Dotā mērķa sasniegšanai teorētiski pētīti tādi jautājumi par pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu pedagoģiski, psiholoģis…
Powdery mildew on Rhododendron caused by Erysiphe azaleae in Latvia.
In 2002 a fungus causing powdery mildew on Rhododendron in Latvia was discovered and identified as Erysiphe azaleae. The powdery mildew has since then been observed on leaves and seed pods of deciduous azaleas as well as evergreen rhododendrons, although the disease is more common on taxa of deciduous azaleas. Development of mature chasmothecia has been noticed at every location where the disease was detected. The distribution area of E. azaleae is expanding gradually from the south-west and central regions to the north and east parts of Latvia. It has been suggested, that climate change and large-scale plant import favour this process. To our knowledge, Latvia is so far the farthest north-…
Rhododendron L. ģints augu kallusoģenēze un kallusa kultūras īpatnības in vitro
Latvijas Universitātes Botāniskais dārzs
Latvijas Universitātes paspārnē devīto gadu desmitu zaļo vecākais botāniskais dārzs Latvijā. Dārza 15 hektāru lielā teritorija ir daļa no Rīgas zaļās rotas ar kultūrvēsturisku vērtību. Tajā ir saglabājušās vairākas 18.–19. gadsimta ēkas – valsts nozīmes koka arhitektūras pieminekļi. Dārza kolekcijās ir augu sugas un to kultūrformas gan no Latvijas, gan no dažādām eksotiskām zemeslodes malām.
Latvijas Universitātes Botāniskais dārzs – no tagadnes uz nākotni: Starptautiskais arhitektu, ainavu arhitektu un pilsētplānotāju plenērs-konkurss
Arhitektu plenēra-konkursa mērķis bija iegūt arhitektūras metu projektus LU Botāniskā dārza teritorijas attīstībai. Izdevumā ir apkopoti sešu dalībnieku grupu projekti.
The impact of maximal strength training on quality of life among women with breast cancer undergoing treatment.
Cancer rehabilitation programs mainly involve endurance cardio training while little attention has been paid to strength training. Breast cancer (BC) patients lose muscle strength while undergoing adjuvant treatment, thus affecting daily activities and quality of life. Maximal strength training, with an emphasis on velocity in the concentric phase, improves maximal strength and muscle force development characteristics. However, the effect of maximal strength training on quality of life for BC patients undergoing treatment remains elusive. Consequently, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of maximal strength training in Health related quality of life in women with newly d…
Heavy Resistance Training in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Adjuvant Therapy.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Adjuvant breast cancer therapy may reduce maximal muscle strength, muscle mass, and functional performance. Although maximal strength training (MST) has the potential to counteract this debilitating outcome and is shown to be superior to low- and moderate-intensity strength training, it is unknown if it can elicit effective adaptations in patients suffering treatment-induced adverse side effects. METHODS Fifty-five newly diagnosed stage I to III breast cancer patients (49 ± 7 yr) scheduled for adjuvant therapy were randomized to MST or a control group. The MST group performed 4 × 4 repetitions of dynamic leg press at approximately 90% of one-repetition maximum (1RM) t…
According to the WHO, healthy ageing is characterized by such interrelated determinants as intrinsic capacity, functional ability and environment. An individual's intrinsic capacity is a powerful predictor of the future ageing process and includes 5 areas - cognitive, psychological, sensory, locomotion and vitality. Exploration of these areas can provide necessary information for therapeutic and preventive actions that can be tailored to an individual's needs, priorities and values to support participation and quality of life. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare healthy ageing determinants of older individuals in the Baltic States. The research was based on the sample of…
In vitro propagation of Syringa vulgaris L. cultivars
Plant diseases a herald of environmental changes
Environmental changes can alter morphology and physiology of plants, and geographic distribution of both wild and cultural species. All these modifications reflect in plant-associated microflora and development of plant pathogens as well. Climate warming causes a pole-ward shift not only different plants but also their pathogens. Poster in 4th International Conference of Botanic Gardens from the Baltic Sea Region "Botanic gardens network for the development of the Baltic Sea Region", 29 September - 2 October, 2011, Gdansk, Poland
Baltic Botanic Gardens in 2015-2017
The periodical issue of Baltic Botanic Gardens includes information about the main events in the botanical gardens of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in 2015-2017. It contains statistical information about the gardens and the articles about plant collections, research and public activities.
Propagation of Syringa vulgaris using in vitro technique
Genetic and physiological fundamentals of plant growth and productivity. International scientific conference tp 100th anniversary of prof. Jonas Dagys. Abstracts.