Maria Rita Infurna

Postmodernity, insecurity and job loss Focus on the unemployed's suffering

International audience; Objectives Recent research shows clear correlations between the subjective perception of job's insecurity and physical, mental and relational health. This article highlights the difficulties of workers , and particularly the impact of uncertainty and job loss on their self-esteem and psycho-physical well-being. The work presents and contextualizes the perception of job insecurity as an effect of postmodern society.Methods The research involved 60 subjects that have lost the jobs and received a 3 month intervention of active policies organized in groups focusing on empowerment and employability. At two times before and after group participants filled in Rosenberg Self…

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Dipendenza da sostanze ed esperienze sfavorevoli infantili: uno studio empirico condotto con la Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse Interview (CECA)

Backgroud: Numerose ricerche rilevano l’impatto che esperienze sfavorevoli infantili possono avere sulla dipendenza da sostanze. Metodo: 32 tossicodipendenti maschi in trattamento presso comunità e 32 soggetti appartenenti a un gruppo non clinico sono stai intervistati attraverso la Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse. Risultati: La maggior parte dei soggetti del gruppo clinico ha esperito maggiori esperienze (p<0,05) di negligenza, abuso fisico, abuso psicologico e ha ricevuto forme più inadeguate di supervisione e disciplina. Inoltre, i soggetti del gruppo clinico sono stati esposti a un numero più elevato (p=0,01) di esperienze sfavorevoli. Conclusioni: I risultati suggeriscono la pre…

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Does Childhood Psychological Abuse Contribute to Intimate Partner Violence Victimization? An Investigation Using the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Interview.

International audience; Although psychological abuse is recognized as a particularly insidious form of child abuse, research on the impact of this type of abuse related to intimate partner violence (IPV) is scant. This study examined the contribution of childhood psychological abuse to IPV in female victims and non-victims. Furthermore, it investigated the role of cumulative abuse in predicting IPV. The study included 38 women victims of IPV and 40 non-IPV women. All participants were investigated using the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Interview (CECA); the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) and the IPV History Interview were used to assess IPV in the last year and lifetime, re…

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Esperienze sfavorevoli infantili e dipendenza da sostanze: contesti di vita e narrazioni nella CECA interview

Introduzione: La letteratura internazionale sul ruolo delle esperienze infantili nella strutturazione della personalità adulta riconosce l’impatto a lungo termine di situazioni traumatiche precoci (Bifulco, Moran, 1998; Fonagy et al, 2002; Giannone et al, 2011). Le diverse tipologie di abuso (emotivo, fisico e sessuale) vissute nella prima infanzia possono aumentare lo strutturarsi in età adulta di problemi legati al consumo di sostanze stupefacenti e condizioni di dipendenza (Dube et al., 2003; Huang et al, 2011; Lansford et al., 2010; Pederson et al, 2008). Risulta pertanto importante l’approfondimento delle condizioni di sviluppo che sottostanno allo strutturarsi di tali patologie. La Ch…

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The Specific Role of Childhood Abuse, Parental Bonding, and Family Functioning in Female Adolescents With Borderline Personality Disorder.

This study examined a broad variety of adverse childhood experiences in a consecutive sample of female adolescent inpatients with borderline personality disorder (BPD; n = 44) compared with a clinical control (CC; n = 47) group with mixed psychiatric diagnoses. BPD was diagnosed using a structured clinical interview; different dimensions of childhood adversity were assessed using the Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse Questionnaire, the Parental Bonding Instrument, and the Family Assessment Device. A history of childhood adversity was significantly more common in patients with BPD than in the CC group. Using a multivariate model, sexual abuse (OR = 13.8), general family functioning (OR…

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Esperienze sfavorevoli infantili ed esiti psicopatologici: cluster analysis su campioni clinici e non clinici mediante la Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse (CECA)

Gli eventi traumatici esperiti durante l’infanzia hanno un’influenza rilevante sulla strutturazione del Sé nascente del bambino (Bifulco & Moran,1998; Jurist et al., 2008; Schimmenti & Bifulco, 2008). L’impatto di tali eventi e i loro possibili esiti psicopatologici variano in maniera significativa in relazione alla presenza simultanea di molteplici e pervasive esperienze negative e all’età in cui esse si verificano (Cook et al., 2005; van der Kolk, 2005). Questo contributo propone un’analisi esplorativa finalizzata ad individuare, attraverso la metodologia della cluster analysis, tipologie rappresentative dei diversi pattern di esperienze sfavorevoli infantili. Vengono, inoltre, analizzate…

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Psychological Impact in Healthcare Workers During Emergencies: The Italian Experience With COVID-19 First Wave

BackgroundThe COVID-19 outbreak imposed an overwhelming workload as well as emotional burdens on Healthcare workers (HCWs). In May 2020, an online survey was administered to HCWs in Italy to assess the pandemic's psychological impact and to investigate possible predictive factors that led to individual differences.MethodsThe psychological experience was measured based on the prevalence of self-reported feelings during the pandemic, including negative and positive emotional states. We analyzed the relationship between factors of gender, age, geographic region, professional role, and operational unit, and the four-point scale used to rate the frequency of each emotional state experienced by p…

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Transgenerationale Effekte belastender Kindheitserlebnisse auf die Borderline-Symptomatik von Jugendlichen

Einleitung: Bisherige Forschungsergebnisse belegen substantielle Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Erleben von Missbrauchs- und Misshandlungserfahrungen in der Kindheit und der Entwicklung der Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung im Erwachsenenalter. Die Frage nach transgenerationalen Effekten belastender Kindheitserlebnisse sowie möglicher intermittierender Variablen wird hingegen kontrovers diskutiert. Zudem beschäftigten sich bislang wenige Studien mit der Entwicklung von Borderline Symptomen im Jugendalter. An diesen Wissenslücken ansetzend, untersuchen wir die spezifischen Effekte belastender Kindheitserfahrungen von Eltern auf Borderline-Persönlichkeitsmerkmale der Folgegeneration sowie möglich…

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Influenze tra processo ed esiti: alleanza, coesione e cambiamento in un gruppo terapeutico a lungo termine

Questo lavoro esplora, in un gruppo terapeutico con pazienti gravi, due tra le variabili di processo più indagate nelle terapie di gruppo, l’alleanza terapeutica e la coesione, analizzandone le associazioni con gli esiti del trattamento in termini di sintomi e difese. E’ stato esaminato un gruppo a lungo termine, semi-aperto, a cadenza settimanale. L’osservazione si è svolta per un periodo di 18 mesi, per un totale di 50 sedute. Sono stati monitorati 11 soggetti che riportavano diverse diagnosi nell’Asse I e II del DSM IV. TR Gli strumenti di esito usati sono stati l’SCL-90: Symptom Check List; l’ OQ-45: Outcome Question-naire 45.2; e il DSQ: Defense Style Questionnaire. Mentre per rilevare…

research product

Linee guida per le comunita’ per minori. Uno strumento per la definizione di standard di funzionamento.

Le comunità e le strutture residenziali si possono connotare come “setting terapeutici”, capaci di generare un clima di spessore affettivo, sviluppare nuove, sicure e funzionali possibilità di esperienze interpersonali, assicurare un regolare svolgimento del percorso di crescita e la creazione di uno spazio mentale dedicato all’elaborazione di un progetto per il minore (Giannone, 2005; Brunori, Raggi, 2007; Bastianoni, Taurino, 2009). Il network della Community of Communities lavora ad un processo sistematico di miglioramento della qualità delle Comunità terapeutiche per bambini e adolescenti attraverso la formulazione di standard grazie ai quali le equipe e gli utenti delle comunità posson…

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Childhood adversity, bonding and family functioning – is there a specific association with borderline personality disorder in adolescents?

Objective: Despite growing evidence on risk-factors of borderline personality disorder (BPD) in adults, there is a paucity of research on such specific characteristics of BPD in youth. Furthermore, studies on adolescence BPD in clinical setting are still rare. This study aimed to investigate adverse childhood experiences, parental bonding and family functioning in a sample of female adolescent inpatients with BPD, and to compare them with a clinical control group with mixed psychiatric diagnoses. Method: A consecutive sample of 91 female adolescents inpatients (ages 12-18 years) was recruited within a psychiatric university hospital. BPD was assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview …

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Supporting bereaved people: a qualitative study on the experience of informal support providers, before and during the pandemic scenario

The COVID-19 outbreak has further highlighted the need to strengthen support networks tosustain grieving people. However, we know very little about the experience of those who,because of their emotional connection with the bereaved person or of their social function,find themselves supporting people in grief. The current study aimed to analyze the experi-ence of grievers’informal support providers (relatives and friends, teachers, religious leaders,funeral providers, pharmacists, volunteers, and social service workers). 162 in-depth inter-views were collected (meanage¼42.3,SD¼14.9; women¼63.6%). Findings highlight twodifferent ways of talking about one’s experience and two different ways of…

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Environmental Dysfunctions, Childhood Maltreatment and Women’s Intimate Partner Violence Victimization

International audience; Childhood maltreatment is considered a crucial explanatory variable for intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood. However, a developmental multifactorial model for the etiology of IPV is not shared by researchers yet. This study has investigated the role of a wide range of childhood maltreatments and family and social dysfunctions in predicting IPV; furthermore, it tests a model where childhood maltreatment mediates the relationship between environmental dysfunctions and IPV. The sample included 78 women: IPV (38) and non-IPV (40). The Italian version of the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse (CECA) Interview was used to assess the presence of adverse childho…

research product

Esperienze di accudimento ed abuso in campioni clinici e non clinici: rilevazioni attraverso l’intervista clinica CECA (Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse).

La CECA (Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse: Bifulco et al. 1994) è un’intervista retrospettiva semistrutturata, utilizzabile con soggetti giovani e adulti, che esplora le esperienze di accudimento vissute con i genitori ed altre figure significative nell’infanzia e nell’adolescenza. L’intervista CECA, recentemente validata in Italia (Giannone, Schimmenti et al. 2011), permette di ottenere misurazioni affidabili e utili, in termini clinici e di ricerca, sui contesti di sviluppo, le cure affettive e materiali ricevute e le eventuali esperienze di maltrattamento e abuso. Si tratta di uno strumento behavioral oriented che risponde all’esigenza di andare oltre le percezioni soggettive dell’…

research product

Environmental factors that distinguish between clinical and healthy samples with childhood experiences of abuse and neglect

&lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;Background:&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; Childhood maltreatment is associated with a wide range of problems in adulthood. However, specific environmental factors (either positive or negative) influence mental health outcomes in maltreated children. The present study investigated the effect of environmental factors by comparing a group of clinical participants with experiences of abuse/neglect with a healthy group with similar patterns of experiences. Environmental factors selected were: separation from parents, financial hardship, parental psychiatric disorders, and low social involvement. &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;Method:&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; The study included 55 mixed clinical participan…

research product

Psychosocial Risk Factors and Psychopathological Outcomes: Preliminary Findings in Italian Pregnant Women

The perinatal period may represent a particularly challenging time for expecting parents. Previous studies have highlighted an association between several perinatal risk conditions (e.g., childhood maltreatment, poor social support, and stress levels) and the development of psychopathological symptoms in pregnant women, especially depression symptoms. The current study examined the effects of psychosocial risk factors (childhood maltreatment, poor social support, and stressful events) on anxiety, depression, perceived stress, irritability/anger, relationship problems, psychosomatic symptoms, specific physiological problems, and addiction/at-risk behaviors. Sixty-one pregnant women (age rang…

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Le comunità per minori sono un contesto elettivo di presa in carico per bambini e adolescenti in situazioni gravi di abuso e maltrattamento e/o con severe problematiche psicopatologiche o di devianza.Numerosi dati di letteratura ne confermano l’efficacia, quando le condizioni del trattamento rispondono a criteri clinici. Particolare interesse rivestono i modelli analiticamente orientati (Bastianoni, Taurino, 2009; Giannone et al., 2012; Souverein, 2013). Questo lavoro propone un approfondimento sulle rappresentazioni mentali dei principali “attori” coinvolti nel funzionamento delle comunità e indaga sui differenti modelli di presa in carico. Un’analisi qualitativa delle rappresentazioni sul…

research product


La letteratura internazionale ha identificato relazioni interpersonali conflittuali/disturbate in età adulta come sequele a lungo termine di situazioni traumatiche precoci(Bifulco& Thomas, 2013; Valdez et al., 2013). Una storia di abusi infantili(emotivi, fisici, sessuali…) può aumentare il rischio di incorrere in altre forme di maltrattamento in età adulta, inclusa la violenza domestica (IPV-Intimate Partner Violence) (Widom et al., 2008; Kim et al, 2009; Alexander, 2009).Risulta pertanto importante l’approfondimento delle condizioni di sviluppo sottostanti allo strutturarsi di tali problematiche. La Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse(CECA)Interview (Bifulcoet al., 1994; Giannone, Schi…

research product

La valutazione delle esperienze di maltrattamento e abuso mediante l’intervista CECA (Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse): rilevazioni in campioni clinici e non clinici

Le relazioni precoci e le condizioni di accudimento esperite dal bambino durante l’infanzia rappresentano la matrice, psichica e organizzativa, entro cui si configura lo sviluppo della personalità emergente di ogni individuo (Fonagy et al., 2002; Giannone, Ferraro e Lo Verso, 2011). Esperienze di accudimento fallimentari, che implicano una mancata risposta ai bisogni infantili di sicurezza, appartenenza e valorizzazione si configurano come esperienze traumatiche di cui la letteratura sottolinea gli esiti psicopatologici (de Zulueta, 1993; van der Kolk, 2005, Schimmenti e Bifulco, 2008). Questo contributo presenta i dati relativi al confronto tra due gruppi, appartenenti a popolazioni clinic…

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Premesse teorico-epistemologiche per una ricerca/intervento attraverso il gruppo con genitori del Servizio Spazio Neutro

International audience

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Childhood adversities and psychopathological outcomes

Maltreatment of children by their parents or other caregivers is widely spread, and can cause serious injury and severe long-term consequences. Child maltreatment encompasses any acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that result in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child or adolescent (usually interpreted as up to 18 years of age), even if harm is not the intended result. In the past two decades, four forms of maltreatment have been increasingly recognised: physical abuse; sexual abuse; psychological abuse, sometimes referred to as emotional abuse; and neglect. Research from high-income countries revealed that 4–16% of children experienced severe paren…

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L’adattamento italiano del Group Questionnaire (GQ): risultati preliminari in gruppi di training universitario.

La comprensione del processo clinico e terapeutico nei gruppi, l’elaborazione concettuale sui costrutti della relazione terapeutica, l’indagine sulla sovrapposizione concettuale (e statistica) dei costrutti Clima di gruppo, Coesione ed Alleanza sono alla base della proposta del Group Questionnaire - GQ (Burlingame, McClendon, Alonso, 2011), self-report di 30 item, che fornisce informazioni sulla qualità delle relazioni in gruppo. Il Group Questionnaire - GQ si differenzia dagli strumenti precedentemente usati perché fondato su una teoria unificata della relazione gruppale (Johnson et al, 2005, 2008; Bormann and Strauss, 2007; Bakali et al, 2008), che individua un modello a tre fattori: Lega…

research product

The impact of process variables on outcomes in a Psychodynamic long term group psychotherapy: A single case study.

Several researches on Group psychotherapy attested the mediating action of some aspects of the group process on the outcome(Martin, Garske & Davis,2000; Tasca, Illing, Ogrodniczuk, Joyce,2009; Burlingame, Mc Clendon & Alonso,2011). This study evaluates the development of the Group process in a semi open, long-term therapeutic group with the aim to identify which specific factors of group therapy (Cohesion, Alliance, and Session Impact) are responsible of the change. The group is composed by 11 patients with DSM I and II Axes diagnosis that have been assessed during 50 session. Outcome Instruments: SCL-90 (Derogatis,1983), OQ-45.2(Lambert, Burlingame,1996;Lo Coco, Prestano, Gullo, Di Stefano…

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Associations between depression and specific childhood experiences of abuse and neglect: a meta-analysis

Background\ud Research documents a strong relationship between childhood maltreatment and depression. However, only few studies have examined the specific effects of various types of childhood abuse/neglect on depression. This meta-analysis estimated the associations between depression and different types of childhood maltreatment (antipathy, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse) assessed with the same measure, the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse (CECA) interview.\ud \ud Method\ud A systematic search in scientific databases included use of CECA interview and strict clinical assessment for major depression as criteria. Our meta-analysis utilized Cohen's d and…

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The impact of adverse childhood experiences. Evaluation in clinical and non clinical samples using the CECA Interview (Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse)

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Group treatment for substance use disorder in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials

Abstract Background and aims From residential programs to outpatient services, group therapy permeates the clinical field of substance misuse. While several group interventions for substance use disorders (SUDs) have demonstrated effectiveness, the existing evidence on group therapy has not been systematically reviewed. The current meta-analysis aims to provide estimates of the efficacy of group therapy for SUDs in adults using rigorous methods. Methods We included studies comparing group psychotherapy to no treatment control groups, individual psychotherapy, medication, self-help groups, and other active treatments applying no specific psychotherapeutic techniques for patients with substan…

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Il questionario SCIA per la valutazione delle buone prassi nelle comunità per minori: analisi preliminari e proposte per una versione breve.

Le comunità residenziali possono essere considerate come Set(ting)(Giannone et al., 2012; Bruschetta, Giunta, 2009), specialistici contesti di “cura”. La conoscenza dell’organizzazione, strutturale e teorico-clinica, di tali contesti è essenziale per avviare un processo di riflessione, che possa metterne in luce le effettive condizioni di “terapeuticità” (Moos 1980, 2012; Van der Helm, 2009, 2011). Il questionario Standard Comunità Infanzia e Adolescenza – SCIA (Giannone, Guarnaccia, Bruschetta, 2012) elaborato dalla versione italiana del manuale Standard di Servizio per Comunità Terapeutiche per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza della Community of Communities (O’Sullivan & Paget, 2009; Vigorelli …

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