Michiel Gazenbeek
Analyse spatiale comparée de trois nécropoles mérovingiennes lorraines (Dieue-sur-Meuse « La Potence » (55), Lavoye « La Haie des Vaches » (55) et Prény « Bois Lasseau » (54) milieu Ve-VIIIe siècles)
International audience
The beaker phenomenon and the Genomic transformations of Northwest Europe
Bell Beaker pottery spread across western and central Europe beginning around 2750 BCE before disappearing between 2200–1800 BCE. The mechanism of its expansion is a topic of long-standing debate, with support for both cultural diffusion and human migration. We present new genome-wide ancient DNA data from 170 Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age Europeans, including 100 Beaker-associated individuals. In contrast to the Corded Ware Complex, which has previously been identified as arriving in central Europe following migration from the east, we observe limited genetic affinity between Iberian and central European Beaker Complex-associated individuals, and thus exclude migration as a signific…
Les occupations du haut Moyen Âge à Dieue-sur-Meuse, La Corvée - une présentation
International audience; The Early Middle Ages Settlement of Dieue-sur-Meuse «La Corvée». The results of the excavation 2012. A rescue excavation carried out in 2012 at “La Corvée”, municipality of Dieue-sur-Meuse (Meuse, Lorraine, France), on an area of 2 ha, led to the discovery of numerous archaeological remains. The site is located on a terrace along the Meuse River and its tributary, the Dieue. During the Early Middle Ages, several nuclei developed on the banks of these two streams. The Merovingian structures occupied the banks of the Meuse, comprising twenty sunken huts, a dozen buildings revealed by their postholes and two wells. The Merovingian occupation is to be linked to the cemet…
La cuisine d’une maison de maître du Haut-Empire à Grand (Vosges)
During excavations conducted in 2011 in Grand (Vosges), a domus dating from the 2nd century and the first half of the 3rd was uncovered. Among the well-preserved vestiges a kitchen was identified with its cooking installations still in situ. These consisted of a hearth, a raised cooking platform and an oven. The kitchen was probably in use for both the residential and the servant’s quarters of the domus. The sediments linked to the use of the kitchen yielded numerous organic remains and pottery sherds dating from the 3rd century. These finds document, at least partially, the kitchenware in use, diet and waste management practices in use in this household. The kitchen stands out as a place t…
Producing and working with iron
Combining archaeological studies and archaeometric analyses, this synthesis presents the importance of the iron economy in the eastern part of the Paris Basin from the First Iron Age to the early Middle Ages. The first contributions of this research project concern technological changes in the production system of iron objects. The attention paid to the share of recycling in production somewhat modifies the previous discourse in attempts to quantify the types of forged objects (tools, weapons, ornaments, etc). Additionally, the link between the status of the excavated sites (agricultural holding, rural hamlet, fortified site, large settlements) and the type of forging activity that was carr…
Eine domus in einer römischen Provinzstadt: La Fontainotte in Grand (Vosges) - archäologische und archäobotanische Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung 2011
International audience; Grand, a village situated in the south of the Lorraine region was during Antiquity an important urban centre. In advance of a housing project, a rescue excavation was undertaken by the Institut national de recherches archéologiques preventives (Inrap) in 2011. Several buildings belonging to a domus of the second and the beginning of the third centuries were explored. Their excellent state of conservation allowed an exceptional insight into the everyday life on an urban property of a Roman notable, as for instance the wall decoration in the rooms, or the different heating methods employed in the residential part of the estate. In the service quarters, a very well cons…