Salvador Calatayud

Agricultural transformations and econòmic backwardness. Andalusia, 1850-1935

La via seguida pel món agrari valencià ha conjuminat, com hem tractat de posar en relleu, aspectes de signe, en principi, contradictori si es valoren a partir de models centrats en una única dimensió dels agents socials. Aquesta polivalència es pot resseguir en la inultiplicitat de funcions econòmiques d'alguns d'aquests agents, com s'esdevé amb els rendistes. Pero també cal tenir molt en compte les formes de legitimació de la propietat agrària rendista, que fomentaven un seguit d'aspiracions peculiars entre els llauradors arrendataris. En aquest sentit, la capacitat per absorbir o incloure un conjunt reiterat de tensions sota la hegemonia d'una propietat no discutida representa un dels pro…

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Agrarian development and state building in Spain: the contest for irrigation in the Valencian Region, 1770–1860

AbstractA determined expansion in the productive capacity of Spanish agriculture was a fundamental and contentious objective during the crisis of the country’s ancien régime and the formation of the liberal state, in the years of transition from the eighteenth to the nineteenth centuries. In this study we examine a fundamental reorientation that occurred in an ambitious project for the expansion of irrigation in the region of Valencia. In this region, characterised by a well-rooted commercial agriculture, the original scheme, initiated by an enlightened aristocrat well connected with the royal court, would be profoundly altered in the transition from one political regime to another. The irr…

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The negotiation of rules and state intervention in irrigation management: The Júcar Canal in the mid-19th century

The way the rules for distributing water work in irrigation communities has been the object of numerous studies. Yet, little is known about how the negotiation process that is required to design such rules has developed historically, which is what this article focuses on. Specifically, the case of the Júcar Canal, which was built in the 13th century and went on to become the largest irrigation system in Spain after undergoing an extension in the early 19th century. As a result of said extension, there were many clashes between the old and the new irrigators, the climate of cooperation between users diminished and it became necessary to draw up a new set of regulations. Two crucial factors a…

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The price of improvements: agrarian contracts and agrarian development in nineteenth-century eastern Spain1

Fixed-rent contracts do not free landlords from the need to supervise the land if it is of high value and fragile fertility, nor do they free them from the costs of monitoring farmers if they are poor peasants prone to fall into arrears. In such cases, however, compensation for improvements will encourage tenants to farm with care and act as a bond against non-payment of rent. This article studies the repercussions of these kinds of situations by analysing what happened in nineteenth-century Valencia, where being the owners of the improvements led to tenants eventually becoming the owners of the land.

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Unequal access to food during the nutritional transition: evidence from Mediterranean Spain †

Unequal access to food is one of the main issues in nutritional history, but scarcity of sources has hampered the quantification of this phenomenon. This study uses hospital diets to address this gap. It uses records from between 1852 and 1923 concerning hospital diets in the psychiatric section of the Hospital General de Valencia (Spain), from which it is possible to infer the actual intake of nutrients for six groups of patients and members of staff. The results reveal considerable differences in terms of diet and nutrition. While the most favoured groups (nuns and well‐off patients) had by 1852 reduced their relative intake of cereals and increased that of meat, in line with the general …

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El reotismo nobiliario en la agricultura valenciana del siglo XIX

RESUMENEl artículo discute los caracteres sociales de la nobleza terrateniente y el papel de la propiedad «rentista» en el desarrollo agrario valenciano del siglo XIX. En la primera parte se estudia la nobleza propietaria a mediados del siglo XIX y se cuestiona la tesis de su continuidad respecto a los antiguos señores feudales. En la segunda se destaca, a través del estudio de un patrimonio de la nobleza sin título, que la gestión era, a la vez, «rentista» y «empresarial», y se intenta explicar la lógica de este comportamiento.

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Leaseholders in Capitalist Arcadia: Bourgeois Hegemony and Peasant Opportunities in the Valencian Countryside during the Nineteenth Century

Scholars tend to interpret the European peasantry's incorporation into mass politics at the beginning of the twentieth century in terms of two equally extreme situations, citing either the peasantry's support for traditional oligarchies, or its anti-capitalist radicalism. By contrast, this article explores how the confluence between a broad network of peasant families and leased agricultural properties in the Valencian region of Spain helped generate mass support for an anti-liberal (and eventually Francoist) legal system. The authors highlight the uniqueness of the social and productive context of Valencian agriculture during the late 1800s and early 1900s, as well as the tensions that exi…

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Children’s Diet during the Early Stages of the Nutritional Transition. The Foundlings in the Hospital of Valencia (Spain), 1852–1931

The nutritional transition brought about profound changes in the nutrition of the European population in the 19th and 20th centuries. The predominant consumption of cereals gave way to kilocalorie-, protein-, vitamin- and mineral-rich diets that involved a greater intake of animal products. However, not all population groups underwent this transition at the same pace

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Mario Cerutti, <em>Problemas, conceptos, actores y autores. La historia económica y empresarial en el Norte de México (y en otras latitudes)</em>

No contiene resumen

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El Estado en los campos. La regulación del cultivo del arroz en la España del siglo xix

El papel desempenado por el Estado en la economia espanola del siglo XIX ha sido muy controvertido y, en general, ha recibido juicios negativos. Este articulo trata de evaluar la intervencion publica en el ambito de la regulacion del cultivo del arroz. Justificada frente al paludismo, esta reglamentacion encontro grandes dificultades para ser aplicada hasta que se consolido el nuevo aparato estatal salido de la revolucion liberal, a causa de las resistencias locales y las limitaciones administrativas. En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, sin embargo, el Estado establecio una legislacion que perviviria en el tiempo y fue ampliamente respetada. De ese modo el Estado mostro una cierta autonomia …

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