Ineta Popena
Nano-engineered skin mesenchymal stem cells: potential vehicles for tumour-targeted quantum-dot delivery
Nanotechnology-based drug design offers new possibilities for the use of nanoparticles in imaging and targeted therapy of tumours. Due to their tumour-homing ability, nano-engineered mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) could be utilized as vectors to deliver diagnostic and therapeutic nanoparticles into a tumour. In the present study, uptake and functional effects of carboxyl-coated quantum dots QD655 were studied in human skin MSCs. The effect of QD on MSCs was examined using a cell viability assay, Ki67 expression analysis, and tri-lineage differentiation assay. The optimal conditions for QD uptake in MSCs were determined using flow cytometry. The QD uptake route in MSCs was examined via fluore…
Nanoparticle delivery to metastatic breast cancer cells by nanoengineered mesenchymal stem cells
We created a 3D cell co-culture model by combining nanoengineered mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with the metastatic breast cancer cell line MDA-MD-231 and primary breast cancer cell line MCF7 to explore the transfer of quantum dots (QDs) to cancer cells. First, the optimal conditions for high-content QD loading in MSCs were established. Then, QD uptake in breast cancer cells was assessed after 24 h in a 3D co-culture with nanoengineered MSCs. We found that incubation of MSCs with QDs in a serum-free medium provided the best accumulation results. It was found that 24 h post-labelling QDs were eliminated from MSCs. Our results demonstrate that breast cancer cells efficiently uptake QDs that a…