Jacob D. Stevenson
The Ultimate Fate of Supercooled Liquids
In recent years it has become widely accepted that a dynamical length scale {\xi}_{\alpha} plays an important role in supercooled liquids near the glass transition. We examine the implications of the interplay between the growing {\xi}_{\alpha} and the size of the crystal nucleus, {\xi}_M, which shrinks on cooling. We argue that at low temperatures where {\xi}_{\alpha} > {\xi}_M a new crystallization mechanism emerges enabling rapid development of a large scale web of sparsely connected crystallinity. Though we predict this web percolates the system at too low a temperature to be easily seen in the laboratory, there are noticeable residual effects near the glass transition that can account …
Percolation and Schramm–Loewner evolution in the 2D random-field Ising model
Abstract The presence of random fields is well known to destroy ferromagnetic order in Ising systems in two dimensions. When the system is placed in a sufficiently strong external field, however, the size of clusters of like spins diverges. There is evidence that this percolation transition is in the universality class of standard site percolation. It has been claimed that, for small disorder, a similar percolation phenomenon also occurs in zero external field. Using exact algorithms, we study ground states of large samples and find little evidence for a transition at zero external field. Nevertheless, for sufficiently small random-field strengths, there is an extended region of the phase d…