M Di Piazza
Troponina e infarto periprocedurale: filo di Arianna o folle volo di Icaro?
Percutaneous coronary interventions cause frequently an increase in myocardial necrosis markers. Is troponin elevation after percutaneous coronary intervention a predictor of events at follow-up or a consequence of the procedure with no cause-effect relationship with prognosis? The debate is still open
TAVI nel trattamento della stenosi aortica degenerativa: stato dell’arte e prospettive
Degenerative aortic stenosis is the most common form of heart valve disease in developed countries and predominantly affects the elderly. Aortic valve replacement (AVR) has been the gold standard, but recently, transcatheter aortic valve implantation has emerged as an effective therapeutic alternative to conventional AVR for high-risk patients. This review analyzed the literature about AVR, with the objective of evaluating the outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients who are not eligible for surgery showing an improvement in quality of life and middle-term outcomes. The crucial point is the lack of studies with long-term follow-up that could give therapeutic importanc…
Low levels of testosterone levels increase the risk of major cardiovascular events in a follow-up to 5 years
Materials and Methods. We evaluated a series of 802 patients with intermediate cardiovascular risk according to the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The endothelial function through flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMD), the erectile function (EF), and the total serum testosterone levels were assessed. Patients were followed for up to 5 years and the prevalence and predictors of MACEs were evaluated. Results. The levels of serum testosterone are related with both endothelial function (FMD) (t=9,4080, 95% CI= 0,9318 to 1,4234, p<0,0001) and erectile function (FMD) (t=8,9584, 95% CI= 0,7642 to 1,1932, p<0,0001). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of serum testosterone levels are related with the MACEs (F-…
Troponin levels after elective percutaneous coronay intervention: outcome and follow-up
Troponin is a diagnostic factor for cardiovascular disease for its specificity and myocardial tissue high sensitivy.
The relationship between endothlial ABD erectile dysfunction, levels of testosterone and cardiovascular events in the follow-up
Background: Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that testosterone levels play a role in cardiac and vascular pathology. A long history of observational studies investigating serum testosterone level and cardiovascular risks, specifically mortality, reveals important associations between low testosterone and mortality, while higher serum testosterone level appear to be predictive in the majority of studies. On the other hand, it is well documented and accepted that endothelial dysfunction is expression of preclinical atherosclerosis and it is associated with an increased amount of CV events in the follow-up. Erectile dysfunction is also an early manifestation of arteriosclerosis assoc…
Relazione tra disfunzione erettile, livelli di testosterone e funzione endoteliale in pazienti a rischio cardiovascolare intermedio secondo le stime della Carta di Framingham” – P259
Scopo del lavoro Il ruolo dei livelli di testosterone plasmatico e della disfunzione erettile come marcatori precoci di disfunzione endoteliale non è ben definito. Pertanto, abbiamo cercato di analizzare la relazione tra testosterone plasmatico e disfunzione erettile, in rapporto alla funzione endoteliale. Materiali e metodi Abbiamo quindi arruolato 802 pazienti in prevenzione primaria, con una stima di rischio cardiovascolare (CV) intermedio secondo la carta del rischio di Framingham, di età compresa fra 40 e 80 anni, che si sono sottoposti all’esame ecografico della dilatazione flusso mediata dell’arteria brachiale destra, alla valutazione della disfunzione erettile attraverso il question…
Testosterone levels are directly related with erectile function and endothelial function in men with intermediate risk according to the Framingham score
Background. The value of testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction (ED) as early markers of atherosclerosis is not well understood. Objectives. To analyze the relationship between plasma testosterone levels in men with both endothelial function (F) and ED. Methods. We enrolled 802 asymptomatic, intermediate cardiovascular risk patients, according to the Framingham Risk Score, aged 40 to 80 years, who underwent the study of EF, evaluation of ED and dosage of plasma testosterone. Results. At linear regression, EF (t=9.40; 95% CI from 0.9318 to 1.4234; p<0.0001) and erectile function (t=8.96; 95% CI from 0.7642 to 1.1932; p<0.0001) statistically increased with increasing levels of testoster…