

TAVI nel trattamento della stenosi aortica degenerativa: stato dell’arte e prospettive

M Di PiazzaV BonomoC GandolfoA StabileSalvatore Novo


AVR stenosi aortica TAVISettore MED/11 - Malattie Dell'Apparato Cardiovascolare


Degenerative aortic stenosis is the most common form of heart valve disease in developed countries and predominantly affects the elderly. Aortic valve replacement (AVR) has been the gold standard, but recently, transcatheter aortic valve implantation has emerged as an effective therapeutic alternative to conventional AVR for high-risk patients. This review analyzed the literature about AVR, with the objective of evaluating the outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in patients who are not eligible for surgery showing an improvement in quality of life and middle-term outcomes. The crucial point is the lack of studies with long-term follow-up that could give therapeutic importance to percutaneous valve replacement
