Laura Quiles
Dietética china y nutrigenómica, posibles puntos de convergencia
Resumen La versatilidad de la dietetica china la convierte en un recurso util a nivel preventivo y terapeutico. No obstante, sus fundamentos teoricos (basados en criterios cualitativos de los alimentos) hacen dificil su asimilacion por parte de los dietistas occidentales. Por ello resulta util encontrar puntos de confluencia y acercamiento entre ambas lineas de pensamiento dietetico. El reciente desarrollo de la nutrigenomica y sus investigaciones en el ambito de la regulacion genetica por parte de los nutrientes, asi como la aparicion de nuevos nutrientes implicados, como los xenomiRs, suscitan posibles explicaciones moleculares a conceptos empiricos clasicos de la dietetica china.
Morfofisiología del diafragma torácico en las medicinas china y occidental
Resumen Las autoras creen que el analisis comparativo de diversos temas entre la medicina china y la occidental supone una aportacion al progresivo —y deseado— avance hacia la mutua comprension y sinergia entre ambas disciplinas. La descripcion occidental del diafragma toracico sugiere ciertas lineas de confluencia respecto al enfoque chino: anatomicamente aportan sugerentes paralelismos las referencias de insercion muscular e inervacion del diafragma, asi como su biodinamica respiratoria, elementos coincidentes con la posicion de diversos puntos de acupuntura toracicos que presentan, ademas, posibles semejanzas en sus funciones fisiologicas reguladoras a diversos niveles, con las que la me…
Legume consumption is inversely associated with type 2 diabetes incidence in adults: A prospective assessment from the PREDIMED study
Background & aims: Legumes, a low-energy, nutrient-dense and low glycemic index food, have shown beneficial effects on glycemic control and adiposity. As such, legumes are widely recommended in diabetic diets, even though there is little evidence that their consumption protects against type 2 diabetes. Therefore the aim of the present study was to examine the associations between consumption of total legumes and specific subtypes, and type 2 diabetes risk. We also investigated the effect of theoretically substituting legumes for other protein- or carbohydrate-rich foods. Methods: Prospective assessment of 3349 participants in the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) study without ty…
Polymorphism of the Transcription Factor 7-Like 2 Gene (TCF7L2) Interacts with Obesity on Type-2 Diabetes in the PREDIMED Study Emphasizing the Heterogeneity of Genetic Variants in Type-2 Diabetes Risk Prediction: Time for Obesity-Specific Genetic Risk Scores
Nutrigenetic studies analyzing gene-diet interactions of the TCF7L2-rs7903146 C > T polymorphism on type-2 diabetes (T2D) have shown controversial results. A reason contributing to this may be the additional modulation by obesity. Moreover, TCF7L2-rs7903146 is one of the most influential variants in T2D-genetic risk scores (GRS). Therefore, to increase the predictive value (PV) of GRS it is necessary to first see whether the included polymorphisms have heterogeneous effects. We comprehensively investigated gene-obesity interactions between the TCF7L2-rs7903146 C > T polymorphism on T2D (prevalence and incidence) and analyzed other T2D-polymorphisms in a sub-sample. We studied 7018 PREDIMED …
Meridianos tendinomusculares (Jīng Jīn) y tejido fascial, comparativa anatómica y funcional
The description of the pathways of the Jīng Jīn meridians is based on empirical observations carried out more than 2000 years ago, and though historical records have shown their possible anatomical basis, nowadays these energetic pathways lack a solid scientific base from the biomedical standpoint. Nonetheless, the comparison between the pathways and function of the Jīng Jīn with the new insights regarding contributions to anatomy and physiology of the fascial system brought from western medicine allows for meeting points and closer relations between the two areas of knowledge. Physiologically, both the Jīng Jīn and the fascial system participate in common structural, biomechanical, integra…
Adherence to the mediterranean diet modulates the association between the abca1 gene, plasma lipids and diabetes in a high-risk population
Egg consumption and cardiovascular disease according to diabetic status: The PREDIMED study.
BACKGROUND: Eggs are a major source of dietary cholesterol and their consumption has been sometimes discouraged. A relationship between egg consumption and the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been suggested to be present exclusively among patients with type2 diabetes. AIMS: To assess the association between egg consumption and CVD in a large Mediterranean cohort where approximately 50% of participants had type 2 diabetes. METHODS: We prospectively followed 7216 participants (55-80 years old) at high cardiovascular risk from the PREDIMED (PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea) study for a mean of 5.8 years. All participants were initially free of CVD. Yearly repeated measurements o…
Meridianos distintos (Jīng Bié) y sistema linfático, comparación anatómica y funcional
The analysis of possible meeting points between Chinese and Western medicine makes an addition to the gradual progress towards mutual understanding and synergy of both disciplines. The description of trajectories and functions of the Divergent Channels seems to suggest certain parallels regarding western anatomy and lymph system function. From the anatomical perspective, the trajectory of the JīngBie resembles the arrangement and energy flux direction to the lymph system. Besides, the position of the main JīngBie points, such as “Departure points” and “Window of Heaven points” tends to match regions with a high presence of lymph nodes. Also, the JīngBie functions resemble the physiology of …
Dietary inflammatory index and all-cause mortality in large cohorts: The SUN and PREDIMED studies
[Background]: Inflammation is known to be related to the leading causes of death including cardiovascular disease, several types of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression-suicide and other chronic diseases. In the context of whole dietary patterns, the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII®) was developed to appraise the inflammatory potential of the diet. [Objective]: We prospectively assessed the association between DII scores and all-cause mortality in two large Spanish cohorts and valuated the consistency of findings across these two cohorts and results published based on other cohorts.