Manfred Domrös

Climate Zones of China

Note: The climate zones respectively climate types, according to the climate regionalization scheme of Huang Bing-wei (1986), were described with particular reference to the major climate characteristics and their variation over space and time. Each climate zone also contains a climate map of China, showing distinctly the spatial distribution of the climate zone concerned. A climate diagram for a representative station was added which expresses the annual variation of precipitation and temperature, based on long-term monthly means.

research product

Controlling Factors of the Climate

Since climate represents the characteristic biospheric conditions at a location or area, it chiefly results from the varying solar and atmospheric moisture and circulation conditions over space and time. Climate at any space or time level is, therefore, represented by certain expressions of the various atmospheric elements, which are concerned with radiation, temperature, sunshine, precipitation and others. The superior impact of the atmosphere upon climate is governed by various factors which control the climate; these climate-controlling factors are, in the widest sense, of a topographical nature (see Sects. 2.1–2.3). Additionally, seasons will be considered as a climate-controlling facto…

research product

Zur Frage der vertikalen Niederschlagsverteilung auf Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

Anhand eines West-Ost-Profils durch Sri Lanka und das zentrale Gebirge der Insel, maximal 2524 m NN, wird ein Beitrag zum Fragenkreis der vertikalen Niederschlagsverteilung in den Tropengebirgen geleistet, indem zuverlassige, fur 30 Jahre (1931–1960) gemittelte monatliche und jahrliche Niederschlagssummen von 25 Beobachtungsstationen in Hohen zwischen Meeresniveau und 2000 m ausgewertet werden. Die bisher bekannten Ergebnisse der tropisch-konvektiven vertikalen Niederschlagsverteilung in den inneren Tropen, gekennzeichnet durch eine Niederschlagsinversion in der Hohe (vor allem [8, 9, 10, 11]), werden fur Sri Lanka in der Weise modifiziert, das auf der Grundlage von monatlichen Niederschlag…

research product

Climate Classification and Division of China

As far as a climate classification and division is concerned, China represents a great complexity and diversity due to the country’s vast territory and extremely complex landforms. In detail, three major climate-governing factors must be taken into consideration for the climate of China as such and for its division over space: (1) the geographical latitude, (2) the elevation above sea level and (3) the distance from the Pacific Ocean. Of particular importance for a climate regionalization of China is the country’s location on the southeastern corner of the Eurasian continent against the Pacific Ocean, which means that the nature of the surrounding regions varies from open oceans to compact …

research product

Cloudiness and Sunshine

Records on mean monthly and annual cloudiness are contained in the climate tables (see Appendix). Despite regional gaps of data sources, the attempt was nevertheless made to work out some principal observations on cloudiness.

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