Inese Stars
Pusaudžu veselībpratības konceptualizācija veselības izglītības diskursā
Darba mērķis ir izpētīt pusaudžu subjektīvās koncepcijas par veselībpratību un izstrādāt pusaudžu veselībpratības skaidrojošo konceptualizāciju. Darba apjoms ir 199 lpp. un 6 pielikumi. Pētījuma 1. daļā ir veikta rakstpratības kā veselībpratības teorētiskā ietvara analīze; pētītas pusaudžu veselībpratības teorētiskās nostādnes un pedagoģiskie aspekti. Pētījuma 2. daļa satur metodoloģijas aprakstu, empīriskā pētījuma rezultātus par pusaudžu veselībpratības konceptualizāciju un tās analīzi. Nobeigumā ir apkopoti secinājumi par veselībpratības teorētiskām nostādnēm un pusaudžu veselībpratības konceptualizāciju. Atslēgvārdi: pusaudžu veselībpratība, veselības izglītība, fenomenogrāfija, koncept…
How Do Adolescents Obtain Health Information
Adolescent health literacy is a promising innovation in health education. This article reports the findings of research in the experience of adolescents in the methods they used in obtaining health information. A phenomenographic research approach was used to understand how adolescents conceptualized health information obtaining. The study examined data provided by 24 adolescents aged 13 to 16 living in Latvia. The data was collected through qualitative interviews. Phenomenographic data analysis uncovered five categories of description by adolescents in the way they perceived health information obtaining: 1. An opportunity to find out “things” regarding health; 2. The use of different sourc…
Health Literate Child: Transforming Teaching in School Health Education
<p><em>Health literacy and health education are reciprocally connected concepts in modern scientific discourse. Educational institutions, especially schools, are defined as one of the main arenas for the development and promotion of the child’s health literacy. Thus, health literacy, conceptualized as the outcome of school learning, becomes the aim of school health education. As concept of health literacy becomes more complicated its attainment requires more advanced and specific teaching methods, which, in its turn, demands transformations in teacher education and teachers’ professional development as well as to perceive the child as an active participant in the teaching/learni…
A Phenomenographic Study of Adolescents’ Conceptions of Health Information Appraisal as a Critical Component of Adolescent Health Literacy
This paper reports on a health literacy study that explored adolescents’ conceptualizations of health information appraisal as a social practice in Latvia. The study was guided by phenomenography, a qualitative research approach used to describe people’s conceptions of a particular phenomenon. A purposive, maximum variation sampling was used, and 24 adolescents were recruited to take part in the study, ranging from 13 to 16 year-olds. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken for data collection. A phenomenographic method for data analysis was performed using the guidelines proved by Sandberg. The data analysis presented seven categories of description and an outcome space representing the…