C. Salmeri

Morphological characterization, germination ecology and conservation of narrow endemic plant species of the Aeolian Islands (Sicily)

This stusy is focused on four narrow endemic species of the Aeolian fora: Anthemis aeolica, Erysimum brulloi, Cytisus aeolicus and Silene hicesiae. Morphological characterization of seeds, seed germination and dormancy regulation have been investigated for these species.

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Il genere Calicotome (Fabaceae) in Sicilia

Vengono riportati i dati sulla distribuzione del genere Calicotome in Sicilia e sulle caratteristiche morfologiche distintive. Sulla base dei caratteri diacritici morfologici e micromorfologici (SEM)sono proposte le chiavi dicotomiche per il riconoscimento delle specie.

research product

The conservation of the endemic Crop Wild Relatives in the RIBES seed-banks: towards a national priority list for the Italian CWRs

Data of 620 crop wild relatives of species of food and fodder interest listed in the Annex I of the FAO Treaty (FAO, 2001) were collected within the census carried out by ISPRA, the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, in 2014-2015 in order to quantify the extent of CWR representation in the Italian ex situ collections. According to such census, the RIBES network preserve 37% of the Italian CWRs listed in the FAO Treaty: in 14 out of 16 seed-banks are preserved 6,029 accessions of 229 CWR taxa, belonging to 11 families and 57 genera.

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The changing role of botanic gardens in the Mediterranean

Born as medicinal plant gardens (Gardens of Simples, Giardini dei semplici), for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants and the use their active principles, very soon, botanical gardens adapted themselves to the emerging needs of changing societies, expanding their activities towards new goals.

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Giardini storici della Sicilia orientale e meridionale

This contribution reports the results of a survey on historic gardens in south-eastern Sicily. The stylistic identity, the floristic characteristics and the description of the main aspects of the investigated sites are provided

research product

Aggiornamenti e novità sulle conoscenze di Pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae)

Pancratium maritimum L., bulbosa perenne degli ambienti dunali costieri, è un taxon relativamente recente se comparato con le specie del genere a gravitazione mediterranea. Gli studi noti su questa specie hanno analizzato vari aspetti della biologia (riproduttivi, biochimici, filogenetici, genetici, ecc.). Tuttavia, esistono ancora lacune scientifiche, tra cui l’assenza di studi su ampio areale di genetica di conservazione e sugli adattamenti eco-morfofisiologici alle condizioni di stress. Per ampliare le conoscenze su P. maritimum, la Fondazione Nando Peretti nel novembre 2012 ha finanziato un progetto triennale sulla conoscenza e la salvaguardia di questa specie (Progetto 2012-83). In que…

research product

Plant landscape of the archaeological site of Selinunte and its restoration: tribute to scholars and professionals who worked on it

research product