Mercedes García García
Soft Skills assessment through virtual environments in the university sector : A narrative review
The paper presents a narrative on the state of the question about the teaching and assessment of generic soft skills through Virtual Environments (VEs) in universities, based on consultation of scientific journals in electronic and printed format published between 2000 and 2014, as well as research projects focused on the development of generic skills through VEs. The paper summarises the theoretical and empirical contributions as a way of providing a greater insight into a line of research that began barely a decade ago. Soft skills related to student training, when combined with specific skills, enable better performance in personal, academic, social and organisational settings. This prem…
Necesidades de formación del profesorado universitario para la adaptación de su docencia al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES)
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en cinco universidades españolas para diagnosticar las necesidades de formación en competencias del profesorado universitario. Utilizando técnicas de encuesta, aplicadas a una amplia muestra d profesorado de las cinco áreas de conocimiento, se han detectado necesidades de formación en seis bloques de competencias: a) la Planificación de la Docencia; b) el Desarrollo de la Docencia; c) la Evaluación; d) la Tutoría; e) la Gestión; f) la Formación Continua. Se han hallado diferencias significativas en las necesidades en función del área de conocimiento y las categorías profesionales.
Profiles of University Professors in Spain for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
This paper presents the findings of a research study of professors’ profiles for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) conducted in five spanish universities. Through the application of qualitative methods of inquiry, the perceptions of several groups of university professors over the principal teaching qualifications necessary for the coordination of higher education throughout the European Union have been obtained. Data analysis indicates a significant discrepancy between actual Spanish professors and those required by EHEA. It has also made possible the detailed description of teaching competency profiles that professors believe to be fundamental for the new functions demanded of the…