G. G. Varzugin

Similarity Solutions and Collapse in the Attractive Gross-Pitaevskii Equation

We analyse a generalised Gross-Pitaevskii equation involving a paraboloidal trap potential in $D$ space dimensions and generalised to a nonlinearity of order $2n+1$. For {\em attractive} coupling constants collapse of the particle density occurs for $Dn\ge 2$ and typically to a $\delta$-function centered at the origin of the trap. By introducing a new dynamical variable for the spherically symmetric solutions we show that all such solutions are self-similar close to the center of the trap. Exact self-similar solutions occur if, and only if, $Dn=2$, and for this case of $Dn=2$ we exhibit an exact but rather special D=1 analytical self-similar solution collapsing to a $\delta$-function which …

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Solitons ofq-deformed quantum lattices and the quantum soliton

We use the classical N-soliton solution of a q-deformed lattice, the Maxwell-Bloch (MB) lattice, which we reported recently (Rybin A V, Varzugin G G, Timonen J and Bullough R K Year 2001 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 157) in order, ultimately, to fully comprehend the `quantum soliton'. This object may be the source of a new information technology (Abram I 1999 Quantum solitons Phys. World 21-4). We suggested in Rybin et al 2001 that a natural quantum mechanical matrix element of the q-deformed quantum MB lattice becomes in a suitable limit the classical 1-soliton solution of the classical q-deformed MB lattice explicitly derived by a variant of the Darboux-Backlund method. The classical q-defor…

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q-deformed solitons and quantum solitons of the Maxwell-Bloch lattice

We report for the first time exact solutions of a completely integrable nonlinear lattice system for which the dynamical variables satisfy a q-deformed Lie algebra - the Lie-Poisson algebra su_q(2). The system considered is a q-deformed lattice for which in continuum limit the equations of motion become the envelope Maxwell-Bloch (or SIT) equations describing the resonant interaction of light with a nonlinear dielectric. Thus the N-soliton solutions we here report are the natural q-deformations, necessary for a lattice, of the well-known multi-soliton and breather solutions of self-induced transparency (SIT). The method we use to find these solutions is a generalization of the Darboux-Backl…

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Collapse in the symmetric Gross–Pitaevskii equation

A generic mechanism of collapse in the Gross–Pitaevskii equation with attractive interparticle interactions is gained by reformulating this equation as Newton's equation of motion for a system of particles with a constraint. 'Quantum pressure' effects give rise to formation of a potential barrier around the emerging singularity, which prevents a fraction of the particles from falling into the singularity. For reasonable initial widths of the condensate, the fraction of collapsing particles for spherically symmetric traps is found to be consistently about 0.7.

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Singularity formation in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and collapse in Bose-Einstein condensates

We study the mechanisms of collapse of the condensate wave function in the Gross-Pitaevskii theory with attractive interparticle interaction. We reformulate the Gross-Pitaevskii equation as Newton's equations for a flux of particles, and introduce the collapsing fraction of particles. We assume that this collapsing fraction is expelled from the condensate due to dissipation. Using this hypothesis we analyze the dependence of the collapse behavior on the initial conditions. We find that, for a properly chosen negative scattering length, the remnant fraction of atoms becomes larger when the initial aspect ratio of the condensate is increased.

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