D. La Mattina
Algebras with involution with linear codimension growth
AbstractWe study the ∗-varieties of associative algebras with involution over a field of characteristic zero which are generated by a finite-dimensional algebra. In this setting we give a list of algebras classifying all such ∗-varieties whose sequence of ∗-codimensions is linearly bounded. Moreover, we exhibit a finite list of algebras to be excluded from the ∗-varieties with such property. As a consequence, we find all possible linearly bounded ∗-codimension sequences.
Polynomial identities on superalgebras: Classifying linear growth
Abstract We classify, up to PI-equivalence, the superalgebras over a field of characteristic zero whose sequence of codimensions is linearly bounded. As a consequence we determine the linear functions describing the graded codimensions of a superalgebra.
Understanding star-fundamental algebras
Star-fundamental algebras are special finite dimensional algebras with involution ∗ * over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero defined in terms of multialternating ∗ * -polynomials. We prove that the upper-block matrix algebras with involution introduced in Di Vincenzo and La Scala [J. Algebra 317 (2007), pp. 642–657] are star-fundamental. Moreover, any finite dimensional algebra with involution contains a subalgebra mapping homomorphically onto one of such algebras. We also give a characterization of star-fundamental algebras through the representation theory of the symmetric group.
Matrix algebras of polynomial codimension growth
We study associative algebras with unity of polynomial codimension growth. For any fixed degree $k$ we construct associative algebras whose codimension sequence has the largest and the smallest possible polynomial growth of degree $k$. We also explicitly describe the identities and the exponential generating functions of these algebras.
Graded polynomial identities and codimensions: Computing the exponential growth
Abstract Let G be a finite abelian group and A a G-graded algebra over a field of characteristic zero. This paper is devoted to a quantitative study of the graded polynomial identities satisfied by A. We study the asymptotic behavior of c n G ( A ) , n = 1 , 2 , … , the sequence of graded codimensions of A and we prove that if A satisfies an ordinary polynomial identity, lim n → ∞ c n G ( A ) n exists and is an integer. We give an explicit way of computing such integer by proving that it equals the dimension of a suitable finite dimension semisimple G × Z 2 -graded algebra related to A.
Trace Codimensions of Algebras and Their Exponential Growth
The trace codimensions give a quantitative description of the identities satisfied by an algebra with trace. Here we study the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence of trace codimensions c tr n(A) and of pure trace codimensions c ptr n (A) of a finite-dimensional algebra A over a field of characteristic zero. We find an upper and lower bound of both codimensions and as a consequence we get that the limits limn→∞ctrn(A)√n and limn→∞cptrn(A) √n always exist and are integers. This result gives a positive answer to a conjecture of Amitsur in this setting. Finally we characterize the varieties of algebras whose exponential growth is bounded by 2
Polynomial growth and identities of superalgebras and star-algebras
Abstract We study associative algebras with 1 endowed with an automorphism or antiautomorphism φ of order 2, i.e., superalgebras and algebras with involution. For any fixed k ≥ 1 , we construct associative φ -algebras whose φ -codimension sequence is given asymptotically by a polynomial of degree k whose leading coefficient is the largest or smallest possible.
PI-algebras with slow codimension growth
Let $c_n(A),\ n=1,2,\ldots,$ be the sequence of codimensions of an algebra $A$ over a field $F$ of characteristic zero. We classify the algebras $A$ (up to PI-equivalence) in case this sequence is bounded by a linear function. We also show that this property is closely related to the following: if $l_n(A), \ n=1,2,\ldots, $ denotes the sequence of colengths of $A$, counting the number of $S_n$-irreducibles appearing in the $n$-th cocharacter of $A$, then $\lim_{n\to \infty} l_n(A)$ exists and is bounded by $2$.