E. Andres
Observation of high-energy neutrinos using Cerenkov detectors embedded deep in Antarctic ice.
Neutrinos are elementary particles that carry no electric charge and have little mass. As they interact only weakly with other particles, they can penetrate enormous amounts of matter, and therefore have the potential to directly convey astrophysical information from the edge of the Universe and from deep inside the most cataclysmic high-energy regions. The neutrino's great penetrating power, however, also makes this particle difficult to detect. Underground detectors have observed low-energy neutrinos from the Sun and a nearby supernova2, as well as neutrinos generated in the Earth's atmosphere. But the very low fluxes of high-energy neutrinos from cosmic sources can be observed only by mu…
We present results based on data taken in 1997 with the 302-PMT Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array-B10 ("AMANDA-B10") array. Atmospheric neutrinos created in the northern hemisphere are observed indirectly through their charged current interactions which produce relativistic, Cherenkov-light-emitting upgoing muons in the South Pole ice cap. The reconstructed angular distribution of these events is in good agreement with expectation and demonstrates the viability of this ice-based device as a neutrino telescope.
Der Einfluß von Cortison auf Serum- und Leberfette (insbesondere Plasmalogen) bei Leberschäden
Die cortisonbedingte Lipamie erstreckt sich bei gesunden Versuchspersonen nicht gleichmasig auf alle Fettfraktionen. Fruhere Untersuchungen, deren Ergebnisse wir auf dem vorjahrigen Kongres der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten in Bad Homburg mitteilten, hatten gezeigt, das beim Gesunden die Cortisonlipamie vorwiegend nur durch eine Zunahme der Acetalphosphatide, der Cholesterin- und der Fettsaureester bedingt ist. Dagegen nimmt der Gesamt-phosphatidkomplex im Durchschnitt etwas ab und die Konzentration an freiem Cholesterin andert sich nicht.
Measurement of the cosmic ray composition at the knee with the SPASE-2/AMANDA-B10 detectors
The mass composition of high-energy cosmic rays at energies above 1015 eV can provide crucial information for the understanding of their origin. Air showers were measured simultaneously with the SPASE-2 air shower array and the AMANDA-B10 Cherenkov telescope at the South Pole. This combination has the advantage to sample almost all high-energy shower muons and is thus a new approach to the determination of the cosmic ray composition. The change in the cosmic ray mass composition was measured versus existing data from direct measurements at low energies. Our data show an increase of the mean log atomic mass 〈lnA〉 by about 0.8 between 500 TeV and 5 PeV. This trend of an increasing mass throug…
Die Serumlipoide unter besonderer Ber�cksichtigung des Plasmalogens
Es werden die Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen berichtet, die ergaben, das es auf Insulininjektion, mit dem Abfall des Blutzuckers, parallel zu einer Abnahme des Serumlipoidphosphors auch zu einem deutlichen Absinken des Serumplasmalogens kommt. Die Resultate werden unter Hinweis auf die heutige Vorstellung von der Wirkungsweise des Insulins auf den Fettstoffwechsel kurz diskutiert.
Observation of high energy atmospheric neutrinos with the Antarctic muon and neutrino detector array
The Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) began collecting data with ten strings in 1997. Results from the first year of operation are presented. Neutrinos coming through the Earth from the Northern Hemisphere are identified by secondary muons moving upward through the array. Cosmic rays in the atmosphere generate a background of downward moving muons, which are about 10^6 times more abundant than the upward moving muons. Over 130 days of exposure, we observed a total of about 300 neutrino events. In the same period, a background of 1.05*10^9 cosmic ray muon events was recorded. The observed neutrino flux is consistent with atmospheric neutrino predictions. Monte Carlo simulat…
Zur Wirkung von ACTH und STH auf den Lipoidgehalt des Blutes und der Leber
ACTH und STH mobilisieren Depotfett und reichern damit Fettsubstanzen im Blut an. Diese werden in der Leber umgesetzt oder abgebaut, sie konnen auch zu einer Leberverfettung fuhren. Da zugleich die Ketonkorper vermehrt sind, ist ein verstarkter Fettsaureabbau naheliegend. Cortison wirkt in ahnlicher Weise.
The AMANDA neutrino detector - Status report
Abstract The first stage of the AMANDA High Energy Neutrino Detector at the south Pole, the 302 PMT array AMANDA-B10, is taking data since 1997. We describe results on atmospheric neutrinos, limits on indirect WIMP detection, seasonal muon flux variation, relativistic monopole flux limits, a search for gravitational collapse neutrinos, and a depth scan of the optical ice properties. The next stage 19-string detector AMANDA-II with ∼650 PMTs will be completed in spring 2000.