Liisa Tainio
Asymmetries of Knowledge and Epistemic Change in Social Gaming Interaction
While a growing number of studies investigate the role of knowledge and interactional management of knowledge asymmetries in conversation analysis, the epistemic organization of multilingual and second language interactions is still largely unexplored. This article addresses this issue by investigating how knowledge asymmetries and changing positions with regard to knowledge impact social interaction in multilingual gaming activities. Drawing on a collection of video recordings of social gaming sessions collected over a two year period and involving the same two participants, we examine how the participants orient to knowledge and deal with knowledge asymmetries while solving game-related p…
Keskustelun vuorottelujäsennyksen perussystematiikka : Suomennos
Kielitiedon opetus ja oppiminen – älyllistä seikkailua etsimässä?
Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta -lehden toukokuun teemanumerossa pohditaan kielitiedon opetusta ja oppimista niin koulussa kuin opettajankoulutuksessakin. Teemanumeron kirjoittajat ovat kokoontuneet yhteen parin vuoden ajan keskustelemaan kielitiedon pedagogiikasta osallistujien alustusten pohjalta. Tämän numeron artikkelit havainnollistavat hyvin kokoontumisten tematiikkaa ja sitä, miten yhteisen pohdiskelun kohteena ovat olleet niin kielellisen tiedon prosessointi, opettajankoulutuksen mahdollisuudet vaikuttaa opettajaopiskelijoiden käsityksiin ja pedagogisiin valmiuksiin, äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppikirjojen tehtävien mielekkyys kuin yksittäiset kielioppien tavat kuvata kielen säänn…
Other-Repetition as a Resource for Participation in the Activity of Playing a Video Game
This article offers an empirically based contribution to the growing body of studies using Conversation Analysis (CA) as a tool for analyzing second/foreign language learning in and through interaction. Building on a sociointeractional view of learning as grounded in the structures of participation in social activities, we apply CA methods to examine the affordances offered by interaction during the activity of playing a video game for additional language learning. We focus on one type of interactional practice, lexical and prosodic repetition, as a recurring resource through which players attend to the game and collaboratively build their understanding and experience of game events. We arg…
Toinen kieli ja oma äidinkieli perusopetuksessa
Koulujen monet kielet ja uskonnot -hankkeessa on kartoitettu oppilaan omien äidinkielten ja toisen kielen (suomi ja ruotsi) opetusta eri koulutusasteilla ja pyritty tavoittamaan sekä opetuksen onnistuneita käytänteitä että toteuttamisen ongelmakohtia. Tässä artikkelissa paneudutaan erityisesti perusopetuksen tilanteeseen ja haasteisiin näiden oppimäärien osalta. nonPeerReviewed
Asymmetries of Knowledge and Epistemic Change in Social Gaming Interaction
While a growing number of studies investigate the role of knowledge and interactional management of knowledge asymmetries in conversation analysis, the epistemic organization of multilingual and second language interactions is still largely unexplored. This article addresses this issue by investigating how knowledge asymmetries and changing positions with regard to knowledge impact social interaction in multilingual gaming activities. Drawing on a collection of video recordings of social gaming sessions collected over a two year period and involving the same two participants, we examine how the participants orient to knowledge and deal with knowledge asymmetries while solving game-related p…
Kielitilastoista toimintaan : riittääkö pieni jousto vai tarvitaanko rakenteellisia uudistuksia?
Collaborative Game‐play as a Site for Participation and Situated Learning of a Second Language
This paper addresses additional language learning as rooted in participation in the social activity of collaborative game‐play. Building on a social‐interactional view of learning, it analyses some of the detailed practices through which players attend to a video game as the material and semiotic structure that shapes play and creates affordances for additional language learning. We describe how players engage with the language resources offered by the game, drawing on the vocabulary, constructions, prosodic features and utterances modelled on game dialogue, in building their own actions during collaborative play. With these resources, the players display their ongoing engagement with the g…