Hans-martin Vieth
Low-temperature methyl group dynamics of hexamethylbenzene in crystalline and glassy matrices as studied by 2H NMR
Abstract 2 H NMR spectra of hexamethylbenzene (HMB) in protonated crystalline and amorphous matrices at low temperatures are presented. All spectra reveal lineshape changes which can be attributed to methyl group tunnelling. Compared to neat HMB, a drastic increase of the tunnelling frequency is found for all systems. This indicates that the hindering potential originates predominantly from intermolecular forces. We studied the temperature dependence of these spectra and the spin-lattice relaxation in order to exclude a distribution of motional correlation times describing a thermally activated process. In addition, we find a distortion of the methyl tetrahedron.
Hyperpolarization of cis ‐ 15 N 2 ‐Azobenzene by Parahydrogen at Ultralow Magnetic Fields**
The development of nuclear spins hyperpolarization, and the search for molecules that can be efficiently hyperpolarized is an active area in nuclear magnetic resonance. In this work we present a detailed study of SABRE SHEATH (signal amplification by reversible exchange in shield enabled alignment transfer to heteronuclei) experiments on 15 N2 -azobenzene. In SABRE SHEATH experiments the nuclear spins of the target are hyperpolarized through transfer of spin polarization from parahydrogen at ultralow fields during a reversible chemical process. Azobenzene exists in two isomers, trans and cis. We show that all nuclear spins in cis-azobenzene can be efficiently hyperpolarized by SABRE at suit…