J. Saranen
On finite element approximation of the gradient for solution of Poisson equation
A nonconforming mixed finite element method is presented for approximation of ?w with Δw=f,w| r =0. Convergence of the order $$\left\| {\nabla w - u_h } \right\|_{0,\Omega } = \mathcal{O}(h^2 )$$ is proved, when linear finite elements are used. Only the standard regularity assumption on triangulations is needed.
Finite element approximation of vector fields given by curl and divergence
In this paper a finite element approximation scheme for the system curl is considered. The use of pointwise approximation of the boundary condition leads to a nonconforming method. The error estimate is proved and numerically tested.
A mixed finite element method for the heat flow problem
A semidiscrete finite element scheme for the approximation of the spatial temperature change field is presented. The method yields a better order of convergence than the conventional use of linear elements.
On the finite element approximation for maxwell’s problem in polynomial domains of the plane
The time-harmonic Maxwell boundary value problem in polygonal domains of R2 is considered. The behaviour of the solution in the neighbourhood of nonregular boundary points is given and asymptotic error estimates in L2- and in curl-div-norm for a finite element approximation of the solution are derived