José Manuel Carrascosa

A European multicentre photopatch test study

The two most common agent groups currently responsible for photoallergic contact dermatitis (PACD) are organic ultraviolet (UV) absorbers in sunscreens and topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, availability of information on the photoallergenic potential of these agents is scarce.To obtain current information on the frequency of PACD to 19 organic UV absorbers and five topical NSAIDs, including newer agents, in common usage in Europe.A prospective, multicentre photopatch test study was conducted with 1031 patients attending for investigation of suspected PACD in 30 centres across 12 European countries.A total of 346 PACD reactions in 200 (19·4%) subjects occurred. …

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Psoriasis moderada-grave en pacientes pediátricos y jóvenes: experiencia en el registro BIOBADADERM

Resumen {0>El debut de la psoriasis en la edad pediatrica, aunque generalmente leve, puede requerir tratamiento sistemico en las formas moderadas o graves de la enfermedad. Childhood-onset psoriasis generally follows an indolent course but patients with moderate or severe disease may require systemic treatment. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la frecuencia relativa, las caracteristicas de los pacientes, el tratamiento empleado y los eventos adversos (EA) observados a partir del registro BIOBADADERM en ninos y jovenes con psoriasis moderada-grave. The aim of this study was to determine the relative proportion of children and young people aged up to 21 years with moderate to severe ps…

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Changing Trends in Drug Prescription and Causes of Treatment Discontinuation of First Biologic Over Ten Years in Psoriasis in the Spanish Biobadaderm Registry

Background and objectives: Current psoriasis guidelines do not usually include recommendations about first line classical or biologic treatment. The objectives of this study were: to describe shifts in the prescription of the first biological treatment, and to compare treatment withdrawal and rates of adverse events over ten years. Material and methods: Biobadaderm registry was analyzed to describe: first biological prescription in bio-naive patients, adverse events rate and reasons for drug withdrawal comparing three periods of time (2008-2010, 2011-2014, 2015-2018). Results: Anti-TNF drugs were the most prescribed biological drug from 2008 to 2010. Ustekinumab has become the most prescrib…

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Long-term safety of nine systemic medications for psoriasis: A cohort study using the Spanish Registry of Adverse Events for Biological Therapy in Dermatological Diseases (BIOBADADERM) Registry.

Background: Registry studies broadly describing the safety of systemic drugs in psoriasis are needed. Objective: To describe the safety findings of the systemic drugs acitretin, adalimumab, apremilast, cyclosporine, etanercept, infliximab, methotrexate, secukinumab, and ustekinumab used for the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis in patients included in the Spanish Registry of Adverse Events for Biological Therapy in Dermatological Diseases (BIOBADADERM) Registry. Methods: The incidence rate ratio (IRR) and adjusted IRR (including propensity scores) of identified adverse events for each drug, using methotrexate as reference, were determined by means of a prospective cohort. Results: O…

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Incidence of severe COVID-19 outcomes in psoriatic patients treated with systemic therapies during the pandemic: A Biobadaderm cohort analysis

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Cambios en las tendencias de la prescripción y causas de la interrupción en los tratamientos biológicos indicados en la psoriasis durante los primeros 10 años. Datos obtenidos del registro español Biobadaderm

Resumen Antecedentes y objetivos Las guias sobre el tratamiento de la psoriasis habitualmente no incluyen las recomendaciones acerca de cual debe ser la primera linea de tratamiento sistemico o biologico. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir las tendencias en la prescripcion del primer farmaco biologico y comparar la retirada de los farmacos y las tasas de efectos adversos a lo largo de los 10 anos de seguimiento. Material y metodos Se utilizo el registro Biobadaderm para determinar cual fue el primer farmaco biologico indicado en pacientes con psoriasis naive para biologicos, asi como cual es la tasa de efectos adversos y los motivos de suspension de los farmacos. Los resultados …

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