A. La Gattuta

Results of closed subtalar dislocations.

Background The subtalar dislocation (SD) of the foot is an uncommon injury characterized by a simultaneous dislocation of talocalcaneal and talonavicular joints without involvement of the tibiotalar and calcaneocuboid joints. Purposes The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiological outcome in a consecutive series of close SD. Methods We retrospectively evaluated a case series of patients who presented a close SD. Thirteen patients were selected for this study. There were 9 patients with a medial SD, 3 patients with a lateral dislocation and 1 patient with a posterior subtalar dislocation. Results The most frequent symptoms observed in our study included transient mil…

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Le Fratture di Rotula

Patellar fractures are relatively uncommon, accounting for approximately 1% of all fractures. Non-operative treatment represents the best choice for undisplaced patellar fractures. However, surgery becomes necessary when fractures are displaced by more than 2 mm, and may include open reduction and internal fixation. Accurate reduction and rigid fixation are required in order to allow early knee mobilization and to obtain a better clinical outcome. Several techniques have been described for patellar fracture fixation, such as tension band wiring, interfragmentary screw fixation, and the combination of screw fixation and cerclage. In this article up-to-date diagnosis, classification and treat…

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Evolution and healing of fragility fractures of the proximal femur

After a traumatic fracture a physiological process begins to heal the fracture. The steps of the process are inflammation, granulation, formation of fibrous callus and finally bone. There are many factors that may influence the healing of the fracture: adequate blood supply, good contact between bone fragments, good stability of the fracture, general health, age, smoking, related pathology, use of drugs, etc. In elderly patients the variations in bone structure and healing processes have a negative influence on fracture healing. Fragility fractures require careful placement of the implants to reduce the risk of failure of osteosynthesis. Appropriate surgical devices and facilitation factors…

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