

Le Fratture di Rotula

Lawrence CamardaAntonio D'arienzoA. La GattutaMichele D'arienzo


musculoskeletal diseasesFibrous jointmedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryTension band wiringmedicine.medical_treatmentfiberwirefratture di rotula fratture di ginocchio trauma rotulamusculoskeletal systemmedicine.diseaseSurgeryScrew fixationFixation (surgical)medicine.anatomical_structurefrattureOrthopedic surgerySettore MED/33 - Malattie Apparato LocomotoreMedicineInternal fixationPatella fracturebusiness


Patellar fractures are relatively uncommon, accounting for approximately 1% of all fractures. Non-operative treatment represents the best choice for undisplaced patellar fractures. However, surgery becomes necessary when fractures are displaced by more than 2 mm, and may include open reduction and internal fixation. Accurate reduction and rigid fixation are required in order to allow early knee mobilization and to obtain a better clinical outcome. Several techniques have been described for patellar fracture fixation, such as tension band wiring, interfragmentary screw fixation, and the combination of screw fixation and cerclage. In this article up-to-date diagnosis, classification and treatment of patellar fractures are discussed. Furthermore, the authors briefly describe their preferred methods for the management of patellar fractures using non-absorbable suture.
