Silvia Lazzara
Content variability of bioactive secondary metabolites in Hypericum perforatum L
Abstract St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.; Hypericaceae) is a perennial medicinal herb widespread and largely used in folk medicine inside the Mediterranean basin. Many bioactive compounds have been identified within its extracts. Under a pharmacological point of view, the most important of them belong to the chemical classes of naphthodianthrones, phloroglucinols and polyphenols. Many factors have been claimed responsible for the phytochemical variability in Hypericum perforatum, such as genotype, geographical origin, harvesting stage and age of the plants. Yet, when harvested plant material is addressed to the industry, the standardization of the active ingredients over cultivation…
Phytochemical profiles, phototoxic and antioxidant properties of eleven Hypericum species - A comparative study
Hypericum is one out of the nine genera belonging to the botanical family Clusiaceae Lindl (syn. Hypericaceae Juss.; APG III, 2009). The genus contains 484 species spread worldwide, one of which, Hypericum perforatum, is largely used in folk medicine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, along with the antioxidant and phototoxic activity, of 11 Hypericum species grown in Sicily (H. perforatum L., H. aegypticum L., H. androsaemum L., H. calycinum L., H. hircinum L., H. hirsutum L., H. montanum L., H. patulum Thunb., H. perfoliatum L., H. pubescens Boiss., H. tetrapterum Fr.). Samples of flowering tops collected from these Hypericum species were extracted and analys…
Characterization and hypericins content in some Hypericum species from Sicily
Different species belonging to the genus Hypericum are distributed into many environments of Sicily, where they represent an important component of wild Sicilian flora (Giardina et al., 2007). Among these, H. perforatum (St John’s Wort) is certainly the most common and famous; its floral parts are largely and traditionally used as a folk herbal remedy for treatment of wounds and burns, and considered an important raw matter for pharmaceutical industry due to their acknowledged antidepressant and sedative properties. Although it is not completely clear yet which compounds are responsible for the biological activity of Hypericum, the European Pharmacopoeia takes as a reference index for evalu…
Variability of Hypericins and Hyperforin in Hypericum Species from the Sicilian Flora
Within Sicilian flora, the genus Hypericum (Guttiferae) includes 10 native species, the most popular of which is H. perforatum. Hypericum's most investigated active compounds belong to naphtodianthrones (hypericin, pseudohypericin) and phloroglucinols (hyperforin, adhyperforin), and the commercial value of the drug is graded according to its total hypericin content. Ethnobotanical sources attribute the therapeutic properties recognized for H. perforatum, also to other Hypericum species. However, their smaller distribution inside the territory suggests that an industrial use of such species, when collected from the wild, would result in an unacceptable depletion of their natural stands. This…
Increased illumination levels enhance biosynthesis of aloenin A and aloin B in Aloe arborescens Mill., but lower their per-plant yield
Abstract Leaves of Aloe arborescens Mill. are a relevant source of secondary metabolites of pharmaceutical relevance. Notwithstanding, specialized cultivations of A. arborescens are still rather limited, and a straightforward agronomical research addressed to the obtainment of high-quality material is lacking. With the purpose to fill this gap, from 2016 to 2018, a trial was arranged to evaluate the growth and development of A. arborescens, along with the production of four active metabolites (aloin A and B, aloenin A, and isoaloeresin D) with varying some growth conditions. Two growth substrates (“A”- a commercial substrate, and “B”- the same substrate + 20 % perlite), two durations of pre…
An integrated approach to the study of Hypericum occurring in Sicily
An integrated approach to the study of taxa of the genus Hypericum occurring in Sicily is proposed. The results of morphological, biochemical, and molecular analyses are combined to better assess the relationships between the species investigated and test the suitability of DNA barcoding technique in the discrimination of these taxa. For the name Hypericum aegypticum subsp. webbii (Spach) N. Robson a lectotype is designated. For Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra a lectotype and a supporting epitype are designated. The presence of Hypericum perforatum L. subsp. perforatum is excluded from Sicily and the previous reports have to be referred to H. perforatum subsp. veronense (Schrank) Ces. Hyper…
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi altered the hypericin, pseudohypericin, and hyperforin content in flowers of Hypericum perforatum grown under contrasting P availability in a highly organic substrate
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a perennial herb able to produce water-soluble active ingredients (a.i.), mostly in flowers, with a wide range of medicinal and biotechnological uses. However, information about the ability of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to affect its biomass accumulation, flower production, and concentration of a.i. under contrasting nutrient availability is still scarce. In the present experiment, we evaluated the role of AMF on growth, flower production, and concentration of bioactive secondary metabolites (hypericin, pseudohypericin, and hyperforin) of H. perforatum under contrasting P availability. AMF stimulated the production of aboveground biomass und…
Ottimizzazione delle strategie di conservazione del germoplasma di Hypericum spp. della flora spontanea siciliana
Studi preliminari sulla propagazione gamica e vegetativa di Hypericum perforatum in ambiente mediterraneo
La conoscenza dei fattori che influenzano la propagazione di una specie rappresenta un passo cruciale nella messa a punto di strategie per la sua moltiplicazione di massa e introduzione in coltura, sia in campo che in ambiente controllato. Sono stati approfonditi alcuni aspetti della propagazione gamica di Hypericum perforatum (di cui è nota la bassa germinabilità del seme), verificando in particolare gli effetti di variabili diverse (soddisfacimento delle esigenze in freddo, temperatura, substrato, presenza di PGPR, batteri promotori della crescita). Sono stati inoltre approfonditi gli studi sulle potenzialità di moltiplicazione vegetativa della specie, da proporre come possibile alternati…
Prove di coltivazione di Hypericum perforatum in ambiente mediterraneo
La possibilità di introduzione dell’iperico negli ordinamenti colturali mediterranei richiede la definizione di numerosi aspetti relativi alla tecnica di coltivazione, il cui approfondimento permetterebbe di ottimizzare le rese sia sul piano della quantità che della qualità, rispettando al contempo il criterio della massima efficienza nell’uso delle risorse produttive. Accessioni di H. perforatum ottenute da seme proveniente da tre diverse aree italiane (nord-Trento, centro-Siena e sud-Agrigento) sono state coltivate sia in pieno campo che in vaso. La raccolta delle sommità fiorite è stata effettuata tra giugno e luglio dell’anno successivo a quello della semina (massima fioritura). Contemp…
Rooting and acclimatization of micropropagatedHypericum perforatumL. native to Sicily
Hypericum perforatum L. is traditionally used as a medicinal plant because of its different bioactive compounds with documented antidepressant and antiinflammatory activities. Plantlets’ mass production with high content of these secondary metabolites has been enhanced through in vitro culture but the process has often been stopped at the multiplication phase. A study was conducted in order to set up an efficient in vitro rooting and acclimatization protocol of a H. perforatum Sicilian genotype well-adapted to south Mediterranean conditions. Aseptic nodal segments were cultured onto a Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with 4.44 µM 6-benzyladenine for multiplication. Microsh…
Prove di coltivazione di Hypericum perforatum L. in ambiente mediterraneo
La richiesta di Hypericum perforatum da parte dell'industria farmaceutica e cosmetica, sia come droga grezza che come derivati di prima trasformazione, in questi ultimi anni si sta incrementando mentre la sua disponibilità commerciale appare ancora piuttosto limitata. La possibilità di introduzione negli ordinamenti colturali mediterranei delle diverse specie di Hypericum è divenuta dunque potenzialmente assai interessante, ma richiede ancora la definizione di numerosi aspetti relativi alla risposta delle specie alla coltivazione, sia in pieno campo che in vaso, soprattutto quando questa viene condotta in ambienti diversi da quelli di vegetazione naturale. L'approfondimento di tali aspetti …
Valorizzazione produttiva della biodiversità in ambiente mediterraneo: il genere Hypericum
Una conoscenza approfondita delle specie appartenenti al genere Hypericum, finalizzata alla loro introduzione negli ordinamenti colturali come specie di interesse industriale e/o ornamentale, comporta la dettagliata descrizione dei parametri morfologici e ambientali delle piante nei loro siti di vegetazione spontanea, e l’accertamento delle loro caratteristiche fitochimiche. Negli anni 2012-2013 è stata svolta un’attività di ricognizione a tale scopo. In Sicilia le perlustrazioni svolte hanno portato all'individuazione di 23 accessioni di H. perforatum, H. perfoliatum, H. pubescens, H. tetrapterum e H. calycinum; numerose altre se ne sono aggiunte, provenienti dall’appennino tosco-romagnolo…
Hypericum spp.: A Resource from Wild Mediterranean Flora for the Treatment of Mild Depression
The present volume of the series, "Bioactive Phytochemicals: Perspectives for Modern Medicine - Vol. 3" with 21 original research and review articles written by eminent scientists and researchers from within India and abroad has been compiled, and the notable amongst which include: Lupeol as Anticancer Drug; Bioactive Phytochemicals as Phytomedicine and its Pharmacology and Toxicology of Genus Capparis; Artesunate with its Antimalarial Profile; Fractionation and Structural Characterization of Antimicrobials from Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz.; Exocyclic-Nitrogen Alkaloids in Herbalism as a Source of New Drugs; Naringin, a Citrus Flavonone Inhibits the Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP)-Induced Forestomach Ca…
Cultivating for the Industry: Cropping Experiences with Hypericum perforatum L. in a Mediterranean Environment
Hypericum perforatum is an intensively studied medicinal plant, and much experimental activity has been addressed to evaluate its bio-agronomical and phytochemical features as far. In most cases, plant material used for experimental purposes is obtained from wild populations or, alternatively, from individuals grown in vases and/or pots. When Hypericum is addressed to industrial purposes, the most convenient option for achieving satisfactory amounts of plant biomass is field cultivation. Pot cultivation and open field condition, however, are likely to induce different responses on plant’s metabolism, and the obtained yield and composition are not necessarily the same. To compare these manag…