Aladine Chetouani
Blind Robust 3-D Mesh Watermarking Based on Mesh Saliency and QIM Quantization for Copyright Protection
International audience; Due to the recent demand of 3-D models in several applications like medical imaging, video games, among others, the necessity of implementing 3-D mesh watermarking schemes aiming to protect copyright has increased considerably. The majority of robust 3-D watermark-ing techniques have essentially focused on the robustness against attacks while the imperceptibility of these techniques is still a real issue. In this context, a blind robust 3-D mesh watermarking method based on mesh saliency and Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) for Copyright protection is proposed. The watermark is embedded by quantifying the vertex norms of the 3-D mesh using QIM scheme since it offe…
Reduced Reference Mesh Visual Quality Assessment Based on Convolutional Neural Network
3D meshes are usually affected by various visual distortions during their transmission and geometric processing. In this paper we propose a reduced reference method for mesh visual quality assessment. The method compares features extracted from the distorted mesh and the original one using a convolutional neural network in order to estimate the visual quality score. The perceptual distance between two meshes is computed as the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the two sets of feature vectors. Experimental results from two subjective databases (LIRIS masking database and LIRIS/EPFL general purpose database) and comparisons with seven objective metrics cited in the state-of-the-art demonstr…
Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Mesh Visual Quality Assessment Using 3D Visual Saliency
In this work, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) framework to estimate the perceived visual quality of 3D meshes without having access to the reference. The proposed CNN architecture is fed by small patches selected carefully according to their level of saliency. To do so, the visual saliency of the 3D mesh is computed, then we render 2D projections from the 3D mesh and its corresponding 3D saliency map. Afterward, the obtained views are split to obtain 2D small patches that pass through a saliency filter to select the most relevant patches. Experiments are conducted on two MVQ assessment databases, and the results show that the trained CNN achieves good rates in terms of corre…
A Robust Blind 3-D Mesh Watermarking Technique Based on SCS Quantization and Mesh Saliency for Copyright Protection
Due to the recent demand of 3-D meshes in a wide range of applications such as video games, medical imaging, film special effect making, computer-aided design (CAD), among others, the necessity of implementing 3-D mesh watermarking schemes aiming to protect copyright has increased in the last decade. Nowadays, the majority of robust 3-D watermarking approaches have mainly focused on the robustness against attacks while the imperceptibility of these techniques is still a serious challenge. In this context, a blind robust 3-D mesh watermarking method based on mesh saliency and scalar Costa scheme (SCS) for Copyright protection is proposed. The watermark is embedded by quantifying the vertex n…
Mesh Visual Quality based on the combination of convolutional neural networks
Blind quality assessment is a challenging issue since the evaluation is done without access to the reference nor any information about the distortion. In this work, we propose an objective blind method for the visual quality assessment of 3D meshes. The method estimates the perceived visual quality using only information from the distorted mesh to feed pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks. The input data is prepared by rendering 2D views from the 3D mesh and the corresponding saliency map. The views are split into small patches of fixed size that are filtered using a saliency threshold. Only the salient patches are selected as input data. After that, three pre-trained deep convolu…
A new weighted normal-based filter for 3D mesh denoising
In this paper, we propose a normal based filtering method for 3D mesh denoising. For this purpose, we compute the new triangle normal vectors by using a weighted sum of the average (smoothness) and the myriad (sharpness) filters in each neighborhood. These weights, that reflect the degree of the surface sharpness, are calculated according to the statistical distribution of the angles between the normal vectors of the triangles. The histogram of the angles between surface normal vectors is accurately fitted by the well known Cauchy distribution. Here, we justify the use of the myriad filter whose estimated value represents the optimum of the location parameter of the investigated distributio…
No-reference mesh visual quality assessment via ensemble of convolutional neural networks and compact multi-linear pooling
Abstract Blind or No reference quality evaluation is a challenging issue since it is done without access to the original content. In this work, we propose a method based on deep learning for the mesh visual quality assessment without reference. For a given 3D model, we first compute its mesh saliency. Then, we extract views from the 3D mesh and the corresponding mesh saliency. After that, the views are split into small patches that are filtered using a saliency threshold. Only the salient patches are selected and used as input data. After that, three pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks are employed for feature learning: VGG, AlexNet, and ResNet. Each network is fine-tuned and pro…
A blind mesh visual quality assessment method based on convolutional neural network
International audience
Mesh Visual Quality Assessment Metrics: A Comparison Study
3D graphics technologies have known a developed progress in the last years, and several processing operations can be applied on 3D meshes such as watermarking, compression, simplification and so forth. Mesh visual quality assessment becomes an important issue to evaluate the visual appearance of the 3D shape after specific modifications. Several metrics have been proposed in this context, from the classical distance-based metrics to the perceptual-based metrics which include perceptual information about the human visual system. In this paper, we propose to study the performance of several mesh visual quality metrics. First, the comparison is conducted regardless the distortion types neither…
Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Mesh Visual Quality Assessment Using 3D Visual Saliency
International audience
Combination Of Handcrafted And Deep Learning-Based Features For 3d Mesh Quality Assessment
We propose in this paper a novel objective method to evaluate the perceived visual quality of 3D meshes. The proposed method in no-reference, it relies only on the distorted mesh for the quality estimation. It is based on a pre-trained convolutional neural network (i.e VGG to extract features from the distorted mesh) and handcrafted features extracted directly from the 3D mesh (i.e curvature and dihedral angle). A General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) is used to learn the statistical parameters of the feature vectors and estimate the quality score. Experimental results from for subjective databases (LIRIS masking, LIRIS/EPFL generalpurpose, UWB compression and LEETA simplification) and c…