Delfina Dualde-beltrán
Evolution of otosclerosis to cochlear implantation.
Abstract Introduction Otosclerosis is an osteodystrophy of the labyrinthine capsule producing conductive hearing loss. If the process invades the cochlea, a sensorineural hearing loss usually takes place. The cochlear implant is a good alternative in these patients. Objective To ascertain the behaviour of cochlear implantation (CI) in otosclerosis. Material and methods We reviewed a database of 250 patients who underwent CI, performing a retrospective study of 13 patients with clinical, audiological and/or imaging findings of bilateral otosclerosis. The 26 ears were studied as to their natural history, previous surgeries, evolution to profound hearing loss, computed tomography (CT) images, …
Accessory submaxillary gland : two new case reports and a literature review
Background The accessory submaxillary gland is a very uncommon anatomical variant, and incidence in the general population has not yet been quantified. The presence of pathology in these glands is rarer still, thus often going unnoticed. Material and methods We describe two accessory submaxillary gland cases, one asymptomatic and the other with chronic sialadenitis in the main and accessory gland caused by sialolithiasis. Although our diagnosis was by computerized tomography, magnetic resonance sialography is helpful to understand and describe this entity with greater precision. Results The first case report is an incidental finding and no intervention was required. However, case report num…
Evolución de la otosclerosis hacia la implantación coclear
Resumen Introduccion La otosclerosis es una osteodistrofia de la capsula laberintica que produce hipoacusia de conduccion. Si el proceso invade la coclea, aparece una hipoacusia neurosensorial, siendo el implante coclear una buena alternativa en estos pacientes. Objetivo Conocer el comportamiento de la otosclerosis en la implantacion coclear. Material y metodos Se reviso una base de datos de 250 pacientes intervenidos de implante coclear realizando un estudio retrospectivo sobre 13 pacientes con criterios clinicos, audiologicos y/o de imagen de otosclerosis bilateral. Se estudian los 26 oidos analizando la historia natural, cirugias previas, evolucion hacia hipoacusia profunda, hallazgos en…