Antonio Morant-ventura
Evolution of otosclerosis to cochlear implantation.
Abstract Introduction Otosclerosis is an osteodystrophy of the labyrinthine capsule producing conductive hearing loss. If the process invades the cochlea, a sensorineural hearing loss usually takes place. The cochlear implant is a good alternative in these patients. Objective To ascertain the behaviour of cochlear implantation (CI) in otosclerosis. Material and methods We reviewed a database of 250 patients who underwent CI, performing a retrospective study of 13 patients with clinical, audiological and/or imaging findings of bilateral otosclerosis. The 26 ears were studied as to their natural history, previous surgeries, evolution to profound hearing loss, computed tomography (CT) images, …
Primeras experiencias con el dispositivo osteointegrado Ponto™ SuperPower
Resumen Los dispositivos auditivos osteointegrados (DAO) Power y SuperPower presentan indicaciones para umbrales en via osea de 55 y 65 dB, respectivamente. Realizamos un estudio observacional prospectivo de una serie de 6 casos con hipoacusia mixta en los que se realizo implantacion del DAO Ponto™ SuperPower. Se realizaron previo a la implantacion y 6 meses tras la adaptacion valoraciones tonales y verbales sin y con ruido de fondo (HINTS). Todos los participantes mostraron mejoria en los resultados tonales y verbales, variando segun el grado de hipoacusia contralateral. Cabe destacar los resultados verbales con ruido de fondo donde la mayoria de los pacientes obtuvieron una relacion senal…
Extra-tympanic electrocochleography in a normal population. A descriptive study.
Abstract Introduction and objectives Extra-tympanic electrocochleography is an electrophysiological register obtained after stimulating the cochlea with an audible stimulus. This stimulus is applied using an earphone over the external auditory canal, while the electrical activity is registered by surface electrodes. There are few studies that analyse normal electrocochleography in our environment. Thus, the main objective of our study was to regularise the values obtained with electrocochleography in ears without any otoneurological diseases. We explain in detail the process of obtaining the register. Methods Sixty healthy ears were studied by extratympanic electrocochleography. Statistical…
Audiologic and Subjective Evaluation of Baha ® Attract Device
We included 9 patients implanted with Baha® Attract. All our patients were evaluated by free field tonal audiometry, free field verbal audiometry and free field verbal audiometry with background noise, all the tests were performed with and without the device. To evaluate the subjective component of the implantation, we used the Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI) and Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB). The auditive assessment with the device showed average auditive thresholds of 35.8dB with improvements of 25.8dB over the previous situation. Speech reception thresholds were 37dB with Baha® Attract, showing improvements of 23dB. Maximum discrimination thresholds showed an average…
Cortical neuroplasticity in children after early cochlear implantation
Hearing is crucial to learn and use language. Loss of hearing in children affects the development of speech, language and cognitive abilities, and severely impairs social capabilities. Thus, efforts to restore auditory perception are determinative and research should be focused on factors likely to bring about the best prognosis. Numerous experimental observations demonstrate that there is a sensitive or critical period for cochlear implantation. Implantations performed in prelingually deaf children in this period are associated with better results in terms of speech recognition and language acquisition. This is the time period in which brain plasticity shows its highest level of developmen…
First Experiences With the Ponto⢢ SuperPower Osseointegrated Device
Osseointegrated hearing devices Power and SuperPower present indications for bone thresholds of 55 and 65 dB respectively. We conducted a prospective observational study of a series of six cases with mixed hearing loss for whom implantation of the DAO Ponto™ Super-Power was performed. Tonal and verbal evaluations without and with background noise (HINTS) were performed prior to implantation and six months after adaptation. All the participants showed improvement in tonal and verbal results, varying according to the degree of contralateral hearing loss. The verbal results with background noise were noteworthy, where most of the patients obtained a signal-to-noise ratio between 2 and 4 dB. Th…
Electrococleografía extratimpánica en una población normal. Estudio descriptivo
Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La electrococleografia extratimpanica es un registro elecrofisiologico que refleja la actividad electrica acontecida en la coclea tras un estimulo sonoro. Se obtiene mediante la aplicacion del estimulo en el conducto auditivo externo y el registro de la actividad electrica mediante electrodos de superficie. Dada la escasa literatura existente acerca de la exploracion electrococleografica normal en nuestro medio, este estudio busca regularizar los valores obtenidos mediante esta exploracion en sujetos sin enfermedad otoneurologica y explicar detalladamente el proceso mediante el cual se obtiene el registro. Metodos Exploracion mediante electrococleografia ext…
Valoración audiológica y subjetiva del dispositivo Baha ® Attract
Resumen Se incluyeron en el estudio 9 pacientes implantados con el dispositivo Baha® Attract. A todos los pacientes se les realizo, con y sin el dispositivo, una audiometria tonal en campo libre, una audiometria verbal en campo libre, y una audiometria verbal con ruido de fondo, asi como la aplicacion de los cuestionarios Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI) y Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB). Las valoraciones audiologicas con el dispositivo mostraron unos umbrales auditivos promedios de 35,8 dB, con ganancias medias de 25,8 dB. El umbral de recepcion verbal promedio con el dispositivo se situo en 37 dB, mostrando una ganancia de 23 dB. Los resultados promedio del umbral de dis…
Evolución de la otosclerosis hacia la implantación coclear
Resumen Introduccion La otosclerosis es una osteodistrofia de la capsula laberintica que produce hipoacusia de conduccion. Si el proceso invade la coclea, aparece una hipoacusia neurosensorial, siendo el implante coclear una buena alternativa en estos pacientes. Objetivo Conocer el comportamiento de la otosclerosis en la implantacion coclear. Material y metodos Se reviso una base de datos de 250 pacientes intervenidos de implante coclear realizando un estudio retrospectivo sobre 13 pacientes con criterios clinicos, audiologicos y/o de imagen de otosclerosis bilateral. Se estudian los 26 oidos analizando la historia natural, cirugias previas, evolucion hacia hipoacusia profunda, hallazgos en…