Brigitte Delemer
Pragmatic Diabetes Management in Nursing Homes: Individual Care Plan
Although the management of diabetes as a simple entity has been extensively developed, there is a dearth of evidence in elderly, frail patients with multiple comorbidities and polymedication. This population represents a large proportion of the residents of nursing homes (NHs). As a multidisciplinary group of French experts (geriatricians, endocrinologists, diabetologists, and general practitioners) with practical experience in this area, which is growing in magnitude throughout the world, we convened to compile pragmatic, simple advice on the management of elderly, frail diabetic patients. Given demands on NH personnel (manager, medical coordinator, nurses, and, at the front line of care p…
Prise en charge pragmatique du diabétique en EHPAD
Resume On estime a 20 a 30 % le pourcentage de residents en Etablissement d’Hebergement pour Personnes Âgees Dependantes (EHPAD) qui presentent un diabete sucre. Il s’agit souvent de patients lourds, fragiles, polypathologiques, parfois atteints de troubles cognitifs majeurs. A ces âges, et dans ce contexte, le controle strict du diabete passe au second plan par rapport a la prevention des risques de chute, de denutrition, de sarcopenie et de declin cognitif, ainsi qu’a la prevention des accidents metaboliques aigus. La redaction d’un Plan de Soins Personnalise permet de fixer les objectifs a atteindre pour un patient donne, d’adapter le traitement antidiabetique au cas par cas, et de preci…
Higher risk of death among MEN1 patients with mutations in the JunD interacting domain: a Groupe d'etude des Tumeurs Endocrines (GTE) cohort study.
International audience; Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1 (MEN1), which is secondary to mutation of the MEN1 gene, is a rare autosomal-dominant disease that predisposes mutation carriers to endocrine tumors. Although genotype-phenotype studies have so far failed to identify any statistical correlations, some families harbor recurrent tumor patterns. The function of MENIN is unclear, but has been described through the discovery of its interacting partners. Mutations in the interacting domains of MENIN functional partners have been shown to directly alter its regulation abilities. We report on a cohort of MEN1 patients from the Groupe d'étude des Tumeurs Endocrines. Patients with a…