A Educação para a Cidadania Mundial como aposta de construção de um novo paradigma educativo
Resumo : O objetivo com este estudo e refletir sobre a Cidadania Mundial, por meio de uma investigacao sobre o tema, considerando a evidencia da sua permanencia como prioridade na agenda educativa mundial, tanto para os paises desenvolvidos, quanto para os em desenvolvimento. A Educacao para a Cidadania Mundial tem cobrado ao longo dos ultimos anos um claro protagonismo na reflexao e nas praticas educativas, tanto das organizacoes nao governamentais quanto dos docentes mais comprometidos com um pensar e uma pratica pedagogica alternativa nas suas aulas. Sua inclusao preeminente na agenda global como raiz de sua definicao prioritaria para o marco da Global Education First Initiative (GEFI), …
How women are imagined through conceptual metaphors in United Nations Security Council Resolutions on women, peace and security
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 is a landmark pronouncement on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. Not only does this resolution highlight the important role of the involvement of women in peace processes, but it also stresses the importance of their equal participation in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace. Furthermore, it also triggers the approval of some other resolutions, which are all further elaborations on that first document. The aim of this paper is to analyse, from a cognitive linguistic perspective, the way in which women are actually narrated in these pronouncements by means of the two conceptual metaphors that are most often repeated: WOME…
A cognitive-based approach to President Obama’s educational discourse through the lens of his State of the Union Addresses (2009-2016)
In order to gain a cultural understanding of the discourse on education used by President Obama, this article examines the source domains commonly used to refer to education in his State of the Union Addresses, from the time he took office in 2009 to 2016 when he will leave office. The study will proceed by applying insights from Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), within the field of cognitive linguistics, supplemented by the Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIP) developed by the Pragglejazz Group. The source domains identified and discussed are: COMPETITION and ECONOMICS. In fact, the strong coherence in Obama’s speeches relies on the use of the story of competition as the concept that is…
A cognitive-based approach to President Obama´s educational discourse through the lens of his State of the Union Addresses (2009-2016)
In order to gain a cultural understanding of the discourse on education used by President Obama, this article examines the source domains commonly used to refer to education in his State of the Union Addresses, from the time he took office in 2009 to 2016 when he will leave office. The study will proceed by applying insights from Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), within the field of cognitive linguistics, supplemented by the Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIP) developed by the Pragglejazz Group. The source domains identified and discussed are: COMPETITION and ECONOMICS. In fact, the strong coherence in Obama's speeches relies on the use of the story of competition as the concept that is…