Päivi Valli


Pedagogical Foundation and Significance of the ICT Studies for the Teacher Trainees in Their Studies

Finnish national core curriculum (2014) highlights the important of ICT. A strong theoretical model and pedagogical understanding are needed for the innovative teaching use of technology. In this study we describe theoretical background of our ICT education and development of teacher trainees ICT-skills and pedagogical understanding. The students' study module is based on Mishra and Koehler’s TPACK-model (2006).The data was collected during two years from two student groups (N=52). Results indicated that, in general, the studies have made it possible to acquire the technological competence and to combine the pedagogical knowledge with the technology. The results of the study clearly state t…

research product

How can i be a Better Teacher? Development of Finnish Adult Pre- service Teachers’ Pedagogical Thinking

Abstract Adult students with experiences of teaching have often certain views about good teaching and a teacher. One of the most important roles in teacher education is to support future teachers to develop their pedagogical thinking systematically. Teacher's pedagogical thinking comes up in her/his actions and reflections on the teaching and learning situations. This article is based on research project which aims at to find out pre-service teachers’ progress in pedagogical thinking during three different practicums in Adult Teacher Education Program. The article will describe this thinking process during the first practicum which is carried out after three months studying.

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Bridging authentic learning task into technology supported transformative pedagogy in Finnish teacher training

The goal of the Finnish teacher training is to educate autonomous teachers, who have pedagogical competence and theoretical understanding about using ICT in teaching and learning. In this study, we describe teacher students’ pedagogical ICT competence as designers of technology supported learning tasks. The study is based on Hughes’ RAT model, which is a framework for assessing technology integration. The theoretical definition of RAT model is technology as a) replacement, b) amplification or c) transformation. To define this there are three systematical dimensions to analyze a particular technology use: Instructional Methods, Student learning processes and Curriculum Goals. The data consis…

research product

Meaningful Learning Experiences in the Finnish Teacher Education

During the last few years the change of the school and how the school should change in the first place to meet the challenges of the future have been discussed a great deal. The talk has begun of the cross-disciplinary competences, referred to also as transversal (generic) competences in the curriculum, and of developing teaching towards the integrated modules called multidisciplinary learning modules in the reformed curriculum of the basic education. The multidisciplinary learning modules promote the reaching of the objectives set for the basic education and in particular, the development of the cross-disciplinary competences.This research was carried out in a Finnish class teachers' adult…

research product

Adult Pre-Service Teachers Applying 21st Century Skills in the Practice

In this research we present how a group of Finnish adult pre - service teachers (n=21) incorporated 21 st CS through their methods of working instructional methods in the final practicum in autumn 2013. The research material consists of pre - service teacher’s practicum plans, taped lessons and written practicum synthesis. The nature of teaching has changed significantly during the past decades, as a result of which teaching has never been more difficult or more important. This is a challenge also for teacher education programs. The adult teacher education program at Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius focuses on developing 21 st century skills (21 st CS) to enhance the use of technolog…

research product

Learner at the heart of curriculum : Theoretical analysis of core curriculum in Finland

The curriculum is seen as a key steering document for teaching and learning. In Finland, its latest reform from 2014 highlights the importance of pupil’s learning rather than teaching. This article describes the learner-centered approach of the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. The theoretical frame of reference for the study is the points of focus in the curriculum’s conception of learning and the definition of learner-centered approach based on them. The curriculum is examined from the perspective of learner-centered approach in the learning process. The research is a qualitative content analysis, which resulted in definitions of learner-centered approach and a descrip…

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The Best On-Line Guidance Experiences in Finnish Primary School Teacher Education Practicum

research product

Uusien yliopisto-opiskelijoiden ruotsin kielen taitotaso ylioppilasarvosanoilla mitattuna

Olemme selvittäneet, millaiset taidot yliopisto-opintonsa aloittavilla opiskelijoilla on ruotsin kielessä toisena kotimaisena kielenä ylioppilaskokeen arvosanalla mitattuna. Olemme tarkastelleet yliopistoihin valittujen opiskelijoiden arvosanajakaumaa B-ruotsin osalta ja verranneet sitä tutkimustietoon siitä, miten ylioppilaskokeen arvosanat ja eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen taitotasot vastaavat toisiaan. Tämän linkityksen pohjalta olemme tarkastelleet, millaiset edellytykset uusilla opiskelijoilla on lähtötasonsa perusteella suoriutua yliopistotutkintoon vaadittavista ruotsin kielen opinnoista hyväksytysti. Selvityksemme on jatkoa Antti Hildénin (2009) vastaavaan selvitykseen, joten tarkoitu…

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