

How can i be a Better Teacher? Development of Finnish Adult Pre- service Teachers’ Pedagogical Thinking

Päivi ValliR. ValliPäivi Perkkilä


Pre servicePracticumsAdult teacher educationPedagogyComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONMathematics educationPedagogical thinkingPracticumGeneral Materials Scienceta516PsychologyThinking processesTeacher education


Abstract Adult students with experiences of teaching have often certain views about good teaching and a teacher. One of the most important roles in teacher education is to support future teachers to develop their pedagogical thinking systematically. Teacher's pedagogical thinking comes up in her/his actions and reflections on the teaching and learning situations. This article is based on research project which aims at to find out pre-service teachers’ progress in pedagogical thinking during three different practicums in Adult Teacher Education Program. The article will describe this thinking process during the first practicum which is carried out after three months studying.
